The Lion King Wiki
The Lion King Wiki
Physical information



Grizzly bear

Hair color

Black and brown

Eye color


Distinguishing features

Bushy eyebrows

Biographical information
Also known as

   Bear (by Leslie Lambeau and Timon)
   Big brute (by Leslie Lambeau)
   Mr. Bear (by Leslie Lambeau, Little Jimmy, Pumbaa, and Timon)




   Dance instructor
   Fast food employee

Relationship information

Unnamed uncle


Leslie Lambeau (unrequited)


Leslie Lambeau, Little Jimmy, Pumbaa, Timon


Quint, Little Jimmy (formerly), Pumbaa (formerly), Timon (formerly)

Now, if I get any madder, I'm going to have to do something to fix the problem.

Smolder (also known as Mr. Bear) is a male grizzly bear.


Learning to ski[]

SP Timon Pumbaa & Smolder

Smolder meets Timon and Pumbaa.

While Timon and Pumbaa were walking in the snow, cold and hungry, they found a restaurant that served bugs. The duo entered but got kicked out since they had no money. Timon saw a poster about skiing instruction and resolved to pose as a ski instructor so he could earn money to buy some of the restaurant's bugs. Though Pumbaa pointed out that they could not ski, Timon was adamant about enacting his plan.

Later, Timon and Pumbaa met Smolder, and Timon introduced himself and Pumbaa as ski instructors. Smolder told the two that he had a problem with falling and warned them that he would hurt them if they let him fall. No sooner had he said this when Pumbaa sneezed and accidentally pushed him down the hill. As he teetered, about to fall, Timon and Pumbaa tried various ways to help him regain his balance.

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Smolder tries not to fall while skiing.

When Smolder made it down the mountain unharmed, he decided to have Timon and Pumbaa teach him more about skiing. Pumbaa insisted on telling Smolder the truth, but Timon disagreed and lied to Smolder that he had graduated and become a natural skier.

After the lesson, Smolder took Timon and Pumbaa to the pro slope with him, as he believed that they had done a good job teaching him how to ski. While the three were on their way, a man asked them for their lift tickets. Since Timon and Pumbaa did not have tickets, the man took their money, and Pumbaa told Timon that he should have listened to him about telling Smolder the truth.

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Smolder, Timon, and Pumbaa visit the pro slope.

Timon, Pumbaa, and Smolder went to the top of the slope, and Smolder warned the duo that if he hit anything on the way down, they would be in trouble. While the three skied down the slope, Timon and Pumbaa accidentally covered Smolder's eyes with his ski hat, which blocked his vision. Timon and Pumbaa saw various obstacles in Smolder's way and quickly removed them before he could run into them. Before long, Smolder caught fire, and his skis burned down. Timon told Pumbaa that they needed to give the bear more skis before he wiped out, after which Smolder fell off the mountain and landed on the duo.

When the three reached the base of the mountain, Smolder decided to ski on the super pro slope. Eventually, Timon confessed to the bear that he and Pumbaa did not really know how to ski and were not really ski instructors. Instead of hurting the duo, Smolder decided to teach them how to ski, which caused Timon to glare at Pumbaa.[1]

Timon and Pumbaa's party[]

Smolder: Quiet down up there!
Timon: Why don't you come up here and make me?
—Smolder and Timon, after Timon and Pumbaa make noise in Auntie's apartment[src]
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Smolder tells Timon and Pumbaa to quiet down.

Smolder took up residence in a townhouse-style apartment and became neighbors with Pumbaa's aunt. Timon and Pumbaa arrived at the apartment complex, and Pumbaa thanked Timon for agreeing to help him house-sit while his aunt was away. Timon, who was carrying a boombox, was excited about having a party at Auntie's house, but Pumbaa reminded him that he had to be careful not to break any of his aunt's belongings, as she possessed many priceless family heirlooms.

After Timon almost broke one of Auntie's possessions with his music, Smolder shouted at Timon to quiet down. Timon merely yelled back a challenge for the bear to come up and make him. No sooner had he done this when he and Pumbaa realized that Auntie's neighbor was none other than Smolder. Pumbaa opened the door for Smolder, and the bear told the two friends that he slept during the daytime because he worked at night. He then warned them that if they did not quiet down, he would put them in a rocket that would take them to "a world of hurt."

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Timon puts croissants in Smolder's ears.

After Smolder's warning, Pumbaa suggested that Timon and his friends have a quiet party, but Timon claimed that his friends did not understand the word "quiet." He started to call his friends to cancel the party, but they arrived before he could do so. Though Timon and Pumbaa tried to quiet their guests by serving them food, Timon's elephant friend turned on some music and danced by stomping his feet on the floor. Timon turned off the music just as Smolder opened the door and told Timon and Pumbaa that they probably had not been listening to him before. He then explained in more detail what he would do if they did not quiet down.

After the encounter with Smolder, Timon had an idea as to how they could make Smolder not hear what was going on. To enact his plan, Timon went into Smolder's room and put croissants in his ears. After ensuring that Smolder could not hear him, Timon told his friends that they could continue to party quietly. The party, however, got out of control, as Timon's friends kept almost messing up Auntie's floor. Pumbaa eventually had enough, and he and Timon made Timon's friends leave the house.

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Smolder works as a dance instructor.

Meanwhile, a feather from a pillow landed on Smolder's nose, which made him wake up and get mad. Timon and Pumbaa heard the bear, and Timon hammered planks onto the door. However, Smolder was strong enough to force it open. The bear saw the croissants in his ears and decided to hurt Timon and Pumbaa. However, before he could do so, he remembered that his job was starting, so he left the duo alone and unhurt.

Timon and Pumbaa were relieved to have escaped Smolder's wrath and expressed joy that none of Auntie's belongings had been broken during the party. Just then, a hippopotamus dance pupil of Smolder's danced by, during which she stomped on the floor and caused all of Auntie's belongings to break. No sooner had this happened when Auntie showed up and threatened to kill Timon and Pumbaa for what they had done.[2]

Time in prison[]

Timon and Pumbaa were eating June bugs when a policeman showed up and arrested them for eating June bugs in July. Timon asked the officer when eating June bugs in July had become illegal, and the policeman told him that it was Little Jimmy who had convinced him to implement the law.

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Smolder defends Little Jimmy from Timon and Pumbaa.

When Timon and Pumbaa found Little Jimmy in prison, Pumbaa believed that it was a coincidence, while Timon believed that the bluebird had framed them. Timon reminded Pumbaa about their last encounter with Little Jimmy and expressed his fear of what the bluebird would do to them. However, Pumbaa pointed out that, since Little Jimmy was only a bird in a cage, he could not do anything painful to them. As Timon and Pumbaa prepared to get tough with Little Jimmy, they realized that he was cellmates with Smolder. Little Jimmy convinced Smolder that Timon and Pumbaa were about to hurt him, so the bear threatened to hurt them in return. This made Timon and Pumbaa try to figure out a way to get out of jail.

While Timon and Pumbaa were doing aerobics, Pumbaa remarked that life in prison was not so bad. However, he changed his mind when he and Timon had to mine a rock pile with Smolder and Little Jimmy. Little Jimmy gave Timon an ax and made Smolder believe that Timon had hit him with it. Smolder prepared to hurt Timon and Pumbaa, so they fled.

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Smolder realizes that Little Jimmy has been taking advantage of him.

Timon and Pumbaa continued to plot how they could get out of jail. Meanwhile, Smolder and Little Jimmy talked about the painful things that Smolder would do to the duo. Timon and Pumbaa attempted to escape, but Smolder and Little Jimmy stopped them and threatened to hurt them until they received a pardon. As Smolder and Little Jimmy left the cell, Little Jimmy revealed to Smolder that he had been taking advantage of him, which caused the two to fight.

Timon and Pumbaa realized that, with Smolder and Little Jimmy gone, they were fine in their cell. However, Smolder and Little Jimmy got sent back to the cell for fighting. The two soon agreed that their situation was Timon and Pumbaa's fault, which made the two friends escape by running into the wall. Timon subsequently questioned why they had not thought of that before.[3]

Fire safety skirmishes[]

Well, looks like you two fellas aren't so bad after all. Now, as for the real fire bug....
―Smolder, after he frees Timon and Pumbaa from Quint[src]
RAF Timon Pumbaa & Smolder

Smolder confronts Timon and Pumbaa over their campfire.

When Timon and Pumbaa arrived at a national park, they rested by a fire. Smolder showed up and forced the two to put out the fire, else he would eat them like he had eaten two children named Joey and Suzie. After Timon and Pumbaa put out the fire, they ran into Quint, who forced them to relight it.

Timon and Pumbaa were on their way to relight the fire for Quint when they ran into Smolder. Instead of telling the bear the truth, Timon lied that he and Pumbaa planned to use the fire so they could walk on hot coals. Smolder made Timon and Pumbaa walk on hot coals but still did not find it to be a good enough excuse for them to start a fire. He then warned the duo that he would eat them if he caught them with another flame.

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Smolder chases Timon and Pumbaa around the volcano.

Timon and Pumbaa ran to the water so they could relieve their burned feet, but, in doing so, they encountered Quint. Upon finding them without a fire, Quint expressed his disapproval, and Timon lied that he and Pumbaa had dropped their fire in the water. Quint promptly sent the duo back to the volcano. Before long, Pumbaa got an idea.

To enact his plan, Pumbaa made Timon dress up like a fire to distract Smolder while he gave the real fire to Quint. After the warthog left, Smolder walked up to Timon, who tried to distract him. Smolder started to hit Timon with a shovel but ended up hitting Pumbaa instead. In order to save his friend from being eaten, Timon painted a picture of fire on Smolder's back, which made the bear panic and allowed Timon and Pumbaa to escape. However, they ran right back into Quint, who kicked them back to the volcano to fetch his fire.

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Smolder eats Quint after realizing that he is responsible for the fire.

Timon was about to get some fire, but Smolder stopped him and chased him and Pumbaa around the volcano. While running, Timon and Pumbaa bumped into each other, fell off the volcano, and landed next to Quint, who was cooking a fish. Timon nearly confessed the truth to Quint, but the lumberjack realized that the duo smelled good and decided to eat them instead of his fish.

Quint proceeded to roast Timon and Pumbaa over a fire. While being cooked, Pumbaa asked Timon why he had not told Smolder the truth in the first place, and the meerkat replied that it was sometimes easier to lie. Smolder then showed up, angry at the duo for their fire, but they let Smolder know that Quint was the reason that they were using fire. This made the bear realize that they were not the bad guys after all. Smolder proceeded to free Timon and Pumbaa, destroy the fire, and eat Quint.[4]

Rejected by Leslie Lambeau[]

Don't think about what you've lost. Think about what you still have: each other.
―Smolder to Timon and Pumbaa[src]
SAFMH Smolder & Leslie

Smolder expresses his love for Leslie Lambeau.

While at a hotel swimming pool, Leslie Lambeau said hi to Smolder, who mistook her greeting as a sign of love. He found out that Timon had a crush on Lambeau as well, so he warned the meerkat to stay away from her and threatened to hurt him and Pumbaa. Lambeau, however, made it clear to Timon and Pumbaa that she and Smolder were not dating.

After Lambeau left, Pumbaa told Timon that he was in love with Lambeau himself, but Timon claimed that Lambeau was not for him, not only because they were different species, but because Smolder would hurt them if they got anywhere near her. He then forced Pumbaa to stay away from Lambeau, to the warthog's dismay.

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Smolder weeps over Leslie Lambeau's rejection.

Later, Timon and Pumbaa ran into Lambeau again. Pumbaa remained attracted to the woman despite Timon's reminder about Smolder's threat. Lambeau invited Pumbaa to dinner, then left. Afterward, Smolder showed up, and Timon hid in a bucket of ice cubes. Smolder asked Pumbaa where Timon was, and Pumbaa replied that he had said that Lambeau was a "dangerous dog." He then told the bear that Lambeau was at dinner, awaiting her true love, which made Smolder decide to attend the meal.

Timon saw Pumbaa sitting at a table with Lambeau and Smolder. He hid under the table and tried to get Pumbaa's attention by tapping on his foot, but Pumbaa, thinking that it was Lambeau who was touching his foot, kicked the meerkat and accidentally hit Smolder's leg. Smolder, thinking that it was Lambeau who was touching his leg, unknowingly stepped on Timon and scratched him with his toenails.

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Smolder sympathizes with Timon and Pumbaa.

Pumbaa gave Lambeau a bouquet of flowers and told her how he felt about her. Lambeau told Pumbaa that she liked him but not in a romantic way. Smolder showed up and commanded Pumbaa to stay away from Lambeau. However, she ordered the bear to leave Pumbaa alone and proclaimed that she was not his girlfriend. She went on that she just wanted to think of Smolder and Pumbaa as friends. Pumbaa was disappointed but decided to leave Lambeau's room while he still had some dignity, and Smolder quickly followed suit.

When Timon saw Smolder following Pumbaa, he thought that the bear was going to kill his friend. He started to tell Smolder that Pumbaa had not meant to fall in love with Lambeau, but Smolder unexpectedly burst into tears, as he was heartbroken over Lambeau's rejection. His tears created a flood, which broke the lounge apart and swept the three outside. Pumbaa told Smolder that he had once fallen in love with a beautiful warthog but that it had not worked out between them. Timon added that he had been in love with the same warthog but that she had told him that she loved Pumbaa instead of him. This made Pumbaa angry at Timon for having kept her confession a secret, and the two started to fight. Smolder soon broke up the fight and consoled the two by telling them that they still had each other. The three subsequently felt better and decided to get something to eat together.[5]

Visit to Dapper Duck Burgers[]

Onions made me mad. Those who get my order wrong also made me mad. So, now, I am double mad.
DDB Timon Pumbaa & Smolder3

Smolder scolds Timon and Pumbaa for messing up his order.

Timon and Pumbaa were working at a fast food restaurant called Dapper Duck Burgers. Smolder ordered a jolly meal with no onions on his burger. However, while Smolder's order was being prepared, Timon claimed that he did not know how to exclude onions from a burger, so he put some on Smolder's burger anyway, as he assumed that Smolder would be gone before he realized that Timon had messed up his order. After Smolder received his order and saw the onions, he returned to the drive-thru window and told Timon and Pumbaa that onions made him mad, as did people who got his order wrong. He then forced the duo to remove the onions before he got any madder.

While Timon and Pumbaa removed the onions from Smolder's burger, a can fell over, spilling onion crystals all over the burger. Pumbaa panicked, but Timon assured his friend that the onion crystals only grew when they got wet. However, when Smolder got his order and readied himself to eat the burger, his drool landed on it, and the onions grew in his car.

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An enraged Smolder breaks into Dapper Duck Burgers.

Smolder confronted Timon and Pumbaa about the onion crystals, and Timon told Smolder that he and Pumbaa were new to the job, which made the bear understand. Timon then gave Smolder a burger with no onions. However, the bear returned shortly afterward to let the duo know that they had forgotten to put ketchup on his meal, which had made him very angry.

After Timon and Pumbaa's last attempt to get Smolder's order right, the bear returned and asked them if he could have a jolly meal duck toy. Timon opened the toy box and saw that they had run out of toys, so he disguised himself as one, and Pumbaa put him in Smolder's bag. As Smolder left, with Timon in his bag, Timon tried to make Pumbaa say, "Come again soon," like he had many times before, but the warthog refused, as he believed that the catchphrase was a jinx. Smolder started playing with his "toy," which sprayed mustard in his face and allowed Timon to escape.

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Smolder encounters Timon and Pumbaa at his restaurant.

Smolder got angry and chased Timon back to Dapper Duck Burgers. In order to keep Smolder out, Timon and Pumbaa put barriers on the door and turned off the lights to make it seem like the restaurant was closed, but Smolder was not convinced. He managed to remove the barriers and entered the restaurant to hurt Timon and Pumbaa. To the duo's fortune, it was time for Smolder's night job at a Mexican restaurant.

After their conflict with Smolder, Timon and Pumbaa quit their job at Dapper Duck Burgers and went back to living the "Hakuna Matata" lifestyle. After ordering food from a restaurant, Timon saw an aardvark leaving with his order, which made him complain to the employee that he and Pumbaa had ordered before the aardvark. However, the employee revealed himself to be Smolder. Terrified, the duo ran out of the restaurant, with Smolder in hot pursuit.[6]

Buying a new car[]

IRG Pumbaa & Smolder

Smolder asks Pumbaa for a car that runs good.

After viewing Timon and Pumbaa's car ad, Smolder asked Pumbaa for a car that ran good and revealed that he had been sold problem cars before and that he would get very angry if he ended up with another lemon. Pumbaa proceeded to sell Smolder the last car and told him that it was in perfect working order, at least according to Timon. Timon saw the bear trying to drive his new car and confessed to Pumbaa that the vehicle was actually a lemon.

Timon and Pumbaa schemed to make the car run good in order to keep Smolder happy. They did so by getting under the hood and running over the fan belt, which resulted in Smolder being able to drive the car. Smolder began to test the car's speed by driving it up a hill, and Timon and Pumbaa were forced to run on the belt as fast as possible. After Smolder made it to the top of the hill with no problem, he decided to test the car's brake pedals. Realizing that the brake pedals did not work, Timon and Pumbaa got out of the hood and tried to make the car go down the hill slowly and safely.

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Smolder races Leslie Lambeau's boyfriend at Dead Man's Drive.

As Smolder continued to drive, he commented that he had better not feel a bump, else he would hurt Timon and Pumbaa. The duo overheard Smolder's words and realized that the car was getting a flat tire, so they once more got out of the hood and each grabbed an axle. Before long, it began to rain, and Smolder decided to test the convertible top, which did not work either. To keep Smolder from noticing, Timon and Pumbaa served as the convertible top themselves.

When Smolder got stuck at a traffic light, Leslie Lambeau showed up in a blue car with her boyfriend. Smolder and Lambeau greeted each other, but Lambeau's boyfriend challenged Smolder to a race at Dead Man's Drive to see whose car ran better. When the racers arrived at Dead Man's Drive, they began their competition, during which Timon and Pumbaa watched out for various obstacles in Smolder's path. As the racers got to the end of the road, Lambeau's boyfriend chickened out and left Lambeau alone in the moving vehicle. When Smolder saw the helpless Lambeau trying to get out of her car, he jumped from his car to hers so as to get control of her vehicle and save her life. This left Smolder's car moving without a driver, and Timon and Pumbaa had to throw everything the car had overboard.[7]

Physical appearance[]

Smolder is a large, tall, and powerfully built grizzly bear. He has dark brown fur, with a paler brown muzzle, a black nose, and white claws. His eyes are black.[1]

Personality and traits[]

Prepare for a big time hurtin'!

Smolder has a terrible temper and is easily annoyed. Typically, his troubles come from Timon and Pumbaa, whom he will threaten to hurt if they continue to annoy him.[2][6] Smolder also threatens anyone who goes near someone he loves, such as when he warned Timon and Pumbaa to stay away from his crush, Leslie Lambeau.[5] He has no problem harming children, as he ate Joey and Suzie for playing with fire.[4] He also dislikes being taken advantage of and will fight those who betray or use him.[3]

DWTN Smolder

Smolder displays his volatile and short-tempered nature.

Due to his strength, claws, and sharp teeth, Smolder is capable of breaking and damaging large objects, such as trees, mailboxes, statues, and even metal gates. He uses such objects to warn others what will happen to them if they do anything to make him angry.[1][2][6]

Despite being short-tempered and antagonistic, Smolder can be genuinely nice. Even though he often got annoyed by Timon and Pumbaa, he showed compassion for the duo when he heard about a beautiful warthog who had rejected them. After bonding with them, he was even willing to be their friend.[5]



  • Smolder is likely a reference to Smokey Bear, as both characters are bears who dislike fire and have flame-related names.[9]
  • Smolder's name is only mentioned in the "Ready, Aim, Fire" episode.[4] In other episodes, he is simply referred to as "the bear" or "Mr. Bear."[1][5]
  • Smolder dislikes onions.[6]
  • Smolder likes to play with toys, which embarrasses him.[6]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Revealed in "Slalom Problem" from Disney's The Lion King's Timon & Pumbaa. Season 3, Episode 8b. Written by Drew Daywalt and David Schneider, and directed by Mauro Casalese and Joe Horne. Originally aired February 19, 1999.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Revealed in "Don't Wake the Neighbear" from Disney's The Lion King's Timon & Pumbaa. Season 3, Episode 17b. Written by Henry Gilroy and directed by Joe Horne and Brad Neave. Originally aired April 23, 1999.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Revealed in "Jailhouse Shock" from Disney's The Lion King's Timon & Pumbaa. Season 3, Episode 31b. Written by Joan Considine Johnson and directed by Joe Horne and Brad Neave. Originally aired July 30, 1999.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Revealed in "Ready, Aim, Fire" from Disney's The Lion King's Timon & Pumbaa. Season 3, Episode 33b. Written by Drew Daywalt and David Schneider, and directed by Joe Horne and Brad Neave. Originally aired August 13, 1999.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Revealed in "Stay Away from my Honey!" from Disney's The Lion King's Timon & Pumbaa. Season 3, Episode 35a. Written by Tedd Anasti, James Bates, and Patsy Cameron-Anasti, and directed by Joe Horne and Brad Neave. Originally aired August 27, 1999.
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Revealed in "Dapper Duck Burgers" from Disney's The Lion King's Timon & Pumbaa. Season 3, Episode 36b. Written by Tracy Berna and directed by Joe Horne and Brad Neave. Originally aired September 3, 1999.
  7. Revealed in "It Runs Good" from Disney's The Lion King's Timon & Pumbaa. Season 3, Episode 37a. Written by James Bates and Nick DuBois, and directed by Joe Horne and Brad Neave. Originally aired September 10, 1999.
  8. 8.0 8.1 Jim Cummings. IMDb., Inc. Retrieved on October 2, 2020.
  9. Story of Smokey. Smokey Bear. Retrieved on September 28, 2021.