The Lion King Wiki
The Lion King Wiki
Physical characteristics
Hair color

Black, brown, gray, and white

Eye color

Black, brown, and green


   Long necks
   Striped legs

Sociocultural characteristics



   Back Lands
   Pride Lands





Notable members


You okapis are rare. Once you find one, you stay on its trail.
Makucha to Ajabu[src]

Okapis are a species of animal native to the Back Lands and the Pride Lands. They feed on grass and are preyed upon by leopards.


Kiara's presentation[]

Okapis attended the presentation of Kiara at Pride Rock.[1]

Ajabu's induction into the Pride Lands[]

An okapi? Poa! I've never met an okapi before.
Beshte meets Ajabu[src]
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Ajabu meets Beshte.

Ajabu initially lived in a distant land. However, when a leopard named Makucha began to hunt him relentlessly, he fled to the Pride Lands. While there, he befriended Beshte. He explained that he was an okapi and expressed his fear of leopards, but Beshte assured him that there were no leopards in the Pride Lands, then showed him around the territory.

Shortly afterwards, Bunga and Ono approached, and Ajabu hid. Though Beshte tried to explain who Ajabu was to his friends, they surmised that he had simply created an imaginary friend. Later on, while patrolling with the rest of the Lion Guard, Beshte thought he spotted Ajabu and took chase. His friends, aggravated by his behavior, accused him of having made up such an unbelievable animal as an okapi.

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Makucha attacks Ajabu.

Meanwhile, Ajabu revealed himself to Thurston's herd, only for Makucha to show up and attack. As Makucha chased Ajabu across the Pride Lands, the Lion Guard spotted them and jumped to Ajabu's defense. Outnumbered, Makucha backed off and returned to his territory.

With Ajabu safe, Beshte introduced him to the rest of the Lion Guard. Beshte asked Ajabu what he would do next, and he confessed that he must return home, even if Makucha was waiting for him there. Getting an idea, Kion brought Ajabu before his parents, Simba and Nala, who allowed the okapi to take up permanent residence in the Pride Lands. To celebrate Ajabu's new status, the Lion Guard decided to play hide-and-seek with him, and he promptly disappeared without a trace.[2]

Kovu's exile[]

Okapis helped drive Kovu from the Pride Lands following his exile.[1]

Physical characteristics[]

The okapi is a moderately sized four-legged mammal. It has a brown coat, with black and white stripes on its legs. Some okapis have ossicones. Their eyes can be black, brown,[1] or green.[2]

Sociocultural characteristics[]

Beshte: Why do you hide so much?
Ajabu: Where I come from, it's the smartest thing for an okapi to do.
—Beshte and Ajabu[src]

Okapis are rare, and thus, many animals are unaware of their existence. Most are shy by nature and loath to meet new or unfamiliar animals. They are native to the Back Lands and the Pride Lands. While they eat grass, they are preyed upon by leopards, who consider them their favorite food.[2]

Notable okapis[]




  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Revealed in Disney's The Lion King II: Simba's Pride (1998). Written by Flip Kobler and Cindy Marcus, and directed by Darrell Rooney. Distributed by Buena Vista Home Entertainment.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Revealed in "The Imaginary Okapi" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 1, Episode 14. Written by John Loy and directed by Howy Parkins. Originally aired July 8, 2016.