The Lion King Wiki
The Lion King Wiki
The Lion King Wiki
Physical characteristics
Hair color

Black and brown

Eye color


Sociocultural characteristics



   Pride Lands





Notable members

   Shauku the mongooses on their bites...
Zazu on Simba's duties[src]

Mongooses are a species of animal native to the marsh and the Pride Lands. They feed on fruit and grubs, and are preyed upon by hyenas and jackals.


Bunga the Wise[]

Rafiki said Bunga was smart.
―A mongoose[src]

When Bunga proclaimed himself a sage, several Pride Landers waited in line at Hakuna Matata Falls to get his advice, including a mongoose. Later, the same mongoose joined a parade celebrating Bunga's purported wisdom. Suddenly, a nearby dam broke, and the mongoose fled the floodwaters.[1]

Simba's duties[]

When Simba grew melancholic about his kingly duties, Zazu reminded him about his more enjoyable duties, which included coaching the mongooses on their bites.[2]


On the day of Kupatana, Reirei's pack stole food from a mongoose. Later, at least one mongoose attended the Kupatana celebration at Mizimu Grove.[3]

Janja's attack on Shauku[]

It's always more fun with somebody to chase.

One day, Shauku played "Lion Guard" with his friends, during which they pretended to be hyenas. Believing the hyena attack to be real, the Lion Guard arrived on the scene and chastised the youngsters for having caused an unnecessary panic. Though Mtoto invited the Guard to play with them, Kion explained that they had business elsewhere.


Shauku plays with his friends.

Later, after Mtoto trained with the Lion Guard, he shared his experiences with his friends. At first, they were afraid that he would not want to play with them anymore, but to their delight, he started up another game of "Lion Guard." As the young ones began to chase some hyraxes, pretending they were hyenas, Janja and his minions, Cheezi and Chungu, began to tail them. Eventually, they attacked the young animals and targeted Mtoto as the slowest. After escaping the hyenas, the other young animals informed Beshte that Mtoto was in danger.

Following Mtoto's rescue, Shauku listened to him recount what had happened. Kion then volunteered to gift each child with a muddy Mark of the Guard, and they crowded around him eagerly.[4]

Makuu's invasion of the Flood Plains[]

Makuu and the crocs. *pants* They took over... *gulps* ...the Flood Plains!
―A mongoose[src]

Upon learning that Kion was abstaining from using the Roar of the Elders, Makuu and his float invaded the Flood Plains. A mongoose fled the scene, only for Fuli to stop him and demand an explanation. Through labored breathing, he informed her that Makuu and his float had taken over the Flood Plains. She, in turn, promised that the Lion Guard would stop the crocodiles, then left to fetch her teammates.[5]

Krud'dha and Pãgala's attack on the Lion Guard[]

Kion: That's enough. Why do you keep attacking us?
Krud'dha: Isn't it obvious? You're eating our snails!
—Kion and Krud'dha[src]

On their way to the Tree of Life, the Lion Guard passed through a marsh. As they traveled, they were continually attacked by mongooses until Kion demanded an explanation, and Krud'dha exclaimed that the Guard was eating their snails. At that moment, Makini and Ono unearthed a log full of snails, and the mongooses delightedly gobbled them up.[6]

Bambun assists the Lion Guard[]

Who said that? Who says I live here?
Bambun to the Lion Guard[src]

While searching for Makini's bakora staff, the Lion Guard asked Bambun for help, and he told them to speak with Tompok.[7]

Physical characteristics[]

Mongooses are small, long-bodied, and slender. They have thin legs, long tails, and snaggleteeth. There appear to be two types of mongooses: those native to the marsh and those native to the Pride Lands. Marsh mongooses have darker pelts and lack stripes,[6] while mongooses from the Pride Lands are dusky brown, with black stripes on their backs and tails.[1]

Sociocultural characteristics[]

Oh! Mongooses! They sure love snails. Common knowledge, really.

Mongooses live in both marsh and savanna habitats.[1] They feed on fruit and grubs,[3] and have a special hankering for snails.[6] They are known to be hunted by hyenas and jackals.[3][4]

Notable mongooses[]




  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Revealed in "Bunga the Wise" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 1, Episode 3. Written by John Loy and directed by Howy Parkins. Originally aired January 22, 2016.
  2. Revealed in "Can't Wait to be Queen" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 1, Episode 4. Written by John Loy, Jack Monaco, and Ford Riley, and directed by Howy Parkins. Originally aired January 29, 2016.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Revealed in "The Kupatana Celebration" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 1, Episode 6. Written by Elise Allen, John Loy, and Ford Riley, and directed by Howy Parkins. Originally aired February 12, 2016.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Revealed in "Follow that Hippo!" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 1, Episode 9. Written by John Loy and directed by Howy Parkins. Originally aired March 18, 2016.
  5. Revealed in "Never Roar Again" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 1, Episode 21. Written by Jack Monaco and directed by Howy Parkins. Originally aired November 18, 2016.
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Revealed in "Marsh of Mystery" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 3, Episode 5. Written by Kendall Michele Haney and directed by Howy Parkins. Originally aired September 15, 2019.
  7. Revealed in "Mama Binturong" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 3, Episode 9. Written by Gus Constantellis and directed by Howy Parkins. Originally aired September 29, 2019.
  8. Revealed in "The Mbali Fields Migration" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 1, Episode 12. Written by Elise Allen, John Loy, and Ford Riley, and directed by Howy Parkins. Originally aired April 22, 2016.
  9. Revealed in "The Golden Zebra" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 2, Episode 14. Written by Elise Allen and directed by Howy Parkins. Originally aired January 9, 2018.
  10. Revealed in "The Queen's Visit" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 2, Episode 27. Written by Don Gillies and John Loy, and directed by Tom Derosier and Howy Parkins. Originally aired February 18, 2019.