The Lion King Wiki
The Lion King Wiki
Physical information




Hair color

Black, gray, pink, and purple

Eye color


Distinguishing features

   Dark spots on muzzle
   Dark stripes on back
   Purple streaks in mane

Biographical information





   Jasiri's clan
   Hyena Resistance (formerly)

Relationship information

Jasiri (sister)


Anga, Azaad, Beshte, Bunga, Cheezi, Chungu, Fuli, Janja, Jasiri, Kion, Mwoga, Mzingo, Ono, Tunu, Wema


Scar, Shupavu, Ushari, Zira, Cheezi (formerly), Chungu (formerly), Janja (formerly), Kiburi (formerly), Makuu (formerly), Mzingo (formerly), Nne (formerly), Reirei (formerly), Tano (formerly)

I'm glad she has you for a friend.
―Madoa to Kion on his friendship with Jasiri[src]

Madoa is a female hyena. She is a member of Jasiri's clan. She is the sister of Jasiri.

When Madoa and her clan were driven from their watering hole by a pride of lions known as the Outsiders, Jasiri went to Kion for help. Though initially doubtful of Kion's loyalty to Jasiri, Madoa became thankful to him after he managed to return the watering hole to the hyena clan.

Later on, Madoa joined the Hyena Resistance, an organization of hyenas who were devoted to foiling Scar's plans to destroy the Pride Lands. Eventually, the conflict came to a head, with the Hyena Resistance joining the Pride Landers in a battle against Scar's army. Together, the Pride Landers and their allies vanquished Scar and brought his followers into line. Afterward, Jasiri became the queen of the Outlands.


Early life[]

Madoa had a sister, Jasiri. The two lived in the Outlands.[1]

Skirmish with the Outsiders[]

Those little ones need the water.
―Madoa on Tunu and Wema[src]

When a pride of lions known as the Outsiders overtook Madoa and her clan's watering hole, Jasiri traveled to the Pride Lands to employ the help of her friend, Kion. She brought him to the Outlands, where he witnessed Madoa playing with two young hyena cubs, Tunu and Wema. Upon seeing Kion, the cubs fled, and Madoa commented that Jasiri had not been kidding about being friends with a lion.

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Madoa meets Jasiri's lion friend, Kion.

Jasiri introduced the two, and Kion tried to comfort the cubs, but they simply fled from him. Madoa commented that Kion could not blame them, for the cubs had only ever met bad lions. Kion asserted that he would resolve the situation, and he and Jasiri left to confront the Outsiders.

After Kion successfully drove off the Outsiders, Madoa and her clan returned to the watering hole. Madoa admitted to Kion that she had had doubts about his loyalties but that she was now happy that Jasiri had such a good friend. Kion attempted to comfort the hyena cubs, but they ran away from him once more, which prompted laughter from Madoa and Jasiri.[1]

Janja's attack[]

Janja has Jasiri trapped in a steam vent. And Wema and Tunu are in there with her.
―Madoa to the Lion Guard[src]
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Madoa informs the Lion Guard of Jasiri's predicament.

In the Outlands, Jasiri played with Tunu and Wema. Janja watched from afar and ordered his clan to attack the trio. The clan launched their attack, and Jasiri desperately attempted to protect the cubs from harm. In the midst of the fight, Janja forced the three into an open steam vent, where lava was steadily rising to the surface. As the clan gathered around, preventing any attempt at escape, Madoa resolved to get Kion's help.

Madoa eventually reached the Lion Guard and related to them what had happened to Jasiri. Kion led his team into the Outlands. Once there, Kion suggested that Madoa leave as well so she could protect her clan. She agreed and departed, leaving the team to assess Jasiri's predicament themselves.[2]

Hyena Resistance[]

Us? A hyena resistance?
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Jasiri encourages Madoa to stand against Scar during the "Kwetu Ni Kwetu" musical sequence.

Jasiri overheard Janja plotting with his clan to take over Mizimu Grove with Kiburi and Reirei's groups. She sent Madoa to warn the Lion Guard, while she and the rest of the clan intercepted Janja's clan. The plan worked, with the Lion Guard defeating Kiburi and Reirei in Mizimu Grove and Jasiri and her clan blocking Janja's access to the Pride Lands with a rockslide. From then on, Madoa continued to warn the Lion Guard about upcoming Outlander attacks. She later joined the Hyena Resistance in fighting the Outlanders.[3]

Battle for the Pride Lands[]

Pride Landers, unite!
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Madoa and her allies gather as an invasion force.

When Janja came to Jasiri for help in rescuing his clan from a fire at Pride Rock, Madoa rested alongside her clanmates at their watering hole. The next morning, Jasiri assembled with the Pride Landers to invade the Outlands. In the ensuing fight, Madoa and her clanmates charged at the crocodiles. Eventually, Kion vanquished Scar's spirit, and the Pride Landers emerged triumphant over the Outlanders.[4]

Zira's return[]

They went into the Pride Lands not long after Jasiri and Janja left to find you. We don't know what happened after that. We promised Jasiri we'd stay away from Zira, so we've been hiding.
―Madoa, after the Lion Guard returns to the Pride Lands[src]

Madoa informs Jasiri that the Outsiders have invaded the Pride Lands.

When the Lion Guard returned to the Pride Lands from the Tree of Life with Janja and Jasiri, Madoa greeted them in the Outlands, along with Cheezi and Chungu. Madoa, who had been in hiding with the rest of Jasiri's clan, explained that Zira's invasion of the Pride Lands had already begun. Jasiri assured Madoa that she and the clan had made the right decision, for they were not strong enough to take on the Outsiders. Just then, Mzingo arrived and agreed to help, per Jasiri's request.

At the border of the Pride Lands, the group was halted by Vitani and her Lion Guard, who attacked Kion's team. Eventually, the battle was halted when Kiara arrived and explained that the Outsiders had joined the Pride Landers. With the conflict abated, Kion bid Jasiri farewell, and the hyenas returned to their home in the Outlands.[5]

Physical appearance[]

Madoa is a tall, slender, and slightly stocky hyena. She has grayish-purple fur, with a pale underbelly and dark purple markings on her back, face, and sides. She has a large black nose, a swept-back mane of tan and dark purple, and three spots between her eyes, which are a rosy purple.[1]

Personality and traits[]

I know Jasiri believed in you. But I'll admit, I had my doubts.
―Madoa to Kion[src]

Like Jasiri, Madoa respects the Circle of Life. She has a calm and caring disposition and is willing to accept help from an outsider, even lions. At first, she doubted Kion's intentions. However, after he assisted the clan in defeating the Outsiders, she recognized the bond of loyalty between Kion and Jasiri, and honored their friendship.[1] Unlike the bolder Jasiri, Madoa is more cautious and timid. Even so, she can be convinced to stand up for what is right.[3]



  • Madoa's name means "spots, freckles" or "stains, blemishes" in Swahili.[7]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Revealed in "Lions of the Outlands" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 1, Episode 20. Written by Kevin Hopps, John Loy, and Ford Riley, and directed by Tom Derosier and Howy Parkins. Originally aired November 11, 2016.
  2. Revealed in "Rescue in the Outlands" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 2, Episode 9. Written by Elise Allen and directed by Tom Derosier and Howy Parkins. Originally aired September 29, 2017.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Revealed in "The Hyena Resistance" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 2, Episode 23. Written by Kendall Michele Haney and directed by Tom Derosier and Howy Parkins. Originally aired September 6, 2018.
  4. Revealed in "Battle for the Pride Lands" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 3, Episode 1. Written by Ford Riley and directed by Howy Parkins. Originally aired August 3, 2019.
  5. Revealed in "Return to the Pride Lands" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 3, Episode 19. Written by Kendall Michele Haney and Ford Riley, and directed by Tom Derosier and Howy Parkins. Originally aired November 3, 2019.
  6. Maisie Klompus. IMDb., Inc. Retrieved on September 16, 2020.
  7. Online Swahili - English Dictionary. African Languages. Retrieved on September 16, 2020.