The Lion King Wiki
The Lion King Wiki
The Lion King Wiki
Physical information




Hair color

Black, gray, and pink

Eye color


Distinguishing features

Notch in left ear

Biographical information
Also known as

   Boss (by his clan)
   Coward (by Scar)
   Fur-brain (by Nne and Tano)
   Hyena (by Azaad and Kion)






   Jasiri's clan
   Army of Scar (formerly)
   Janja's clan (formerly)


Leader of Janja's clan (formerly)

Relationship information

Anga, Azaad, Beshte, Bunga, Cheezi, Chungu, Fuli, Jasiri, Kiara, Kion, Kovu, Ma Tembo, Madoa, Makuu, Mwoga, Mzingo, Nne, Ono, Simba, Tano, Vitani, Kiburi (formerly), Reirei (formerly), Scar (formerly), Shupavu (formerly), Ushari (formerly)


Scar, Beshte (formerly), Bunga (formerly), Fuli (formerly), Hadithi (formerly), Jasiri (formerly), Kiara (formerly), Kion (formerly), Ma Tembo (formerly), Makuu (formerly), Makini (formerly), Mtoto (formerly), Nala (formerly), Ono (formerly), Rafiki (formerly), Shujaa (formerly), Simba (formerly), Tunu (formerly), Wema (formerly), Zazu (formerly)

I think we're on the right side now.
―Janja, after he and his clan switch allegiance[src]

Janja is a male hyena. He is a member of Jasiri's clan.

Initially, Janja led his clan in frequent attacks on the Pride Lands and thus became an enemy of the Lion Guard. Eventually, Janja and his clan allied with the spirit of Scar and joined his army, whose goal was to destroy the Pride Lands. However, when Scar suspected Janja of harboring traitorous feelings, he tricked his clan into entering the Lair of the Lion Guard, where Scar's allies trapped them with fire. The Lion Guard helped the clan escape, and subsequently, the hyenas switched allegiance and helped the Pride Landers defeat Scar. After Scar's fall, Janja and his clan members integrated into Jasiri's clan.


Early life[]

Uh, fur-brains, stop talking and hold those guys off while I take the egg.
―Janja to Cheezi and Chungu, as they steal Ono's egg[src]

Janja lived in the Outlands. As a cub, he befriended Cheezi and Chungu. One day, Janja attempted to steal an egret egg from the Pride Lands, but Fuli confronted him and ordered him to leave the egg alone. However, Janja merely smiled and revealed that he had brought Cheezi and Chungu along as back-up. Kion, Beshte, and Bunga arrived at the scene, and Kion reminded the hyenas that they were not allowed to steal from the Pride Lands. Janja asked who was going to stop them, and Kion replied that he and his friends would. Unconcerned by Kion's threat, Janja ordered Cheezi and Chungu to help him roll the egg out of the Pride Lands, nicknaming them "fur-brains" in the process.


A young Janja attempts to steal an egg from the Pride Lands.

Janja then ordered Cheezi and Chungu to attack the Pride Lander cubs while he took the egg into the Outlands. Kion sent Bunga to take the egg from Janja, and Bunga did as he had been told. With Janja distracted, Kion was able to pounce on him, after which he ordered the hyenas to leave the Pride Lands. Janja, Cheezi, and Chungu promptly fled back to the Outlands.[1]

At some point in his life, Janja became the leader of a clan of hyenas in the Outlands. He and his clan had frequent clashes with Jasiri due to their differing beliefs on the Circle of Life. Because of their clans' animosity, Janja forbid Jasiri entry to his territory.[2]

First skirmish with the Lion Guard[]

The Pride Lands will never know what bit 'em.
―Janja plots against the Lion Guard[src]

When Kion and his best friend Bunga lost their baobab ball in the Outlands, Janja ordered Cheezi and Chungu to bring the honey badger to him. Before the hyenas could hurt Bunga, Kion stepped in, roaring so loudly that the hyenas dropped Bunga, who climbed to safety.


Janja and his clan confront the Lion Guard.

Not long after this, Mzingo heard that Kion had been appointed the leader of the new Lion Guard and reported back to Janja about the newly formed team. When Janja heard the news, he announced to his clan that they would strike that very night and take down all the animals they could.

After Kion assembled his team, Bunga called to him, shouting that the hyenas were attacking a herd of gazelles. With no time to lose, Kion assembled the Lion Guard. Together, the five friends attacked the hyenas, driving them back into the Outlands. Kion finished the fight with the Roar of the Elders, and even Janja fled in terror. Before leaving, he warned Kion that their conflict was far from over.[3]

Skirmish with Jasiri[]

C'mon, boys. Let's remind Jasiri what happens to someone who wanders into our part of the Outlands!
―Janja prepares to attack Jasiri[src]
2016-05-17-01 29 04

Janja threatens Jasiri after she accidentally enters his clan's territory.

Janja, Cheezi, and Chungu attacked a herd of oryx just before the Lion Guard arrived. Kion ordered the rest of the Lion Guard to calm the herd while he went after the hyenas. However, during the pursuit, Kion fell into a river, which swept him into the Outlands.

Later, Janja and his clan confronted Jasiri, who had helped Kion get to Flat Ridge Rock. Jasiri was able to easily fend off Cheezi and Chungu but was pinned down by Janja. Just in time, Kion returned and saved Jasiri by using the Roar of the Elders to scare Janja and his clan away.[2]

Kidnapping Kiara[]

Be a shame if their family squabbles led to chaos in the Pride Lands.
―Janja plots against Kiara and Kion[src]
2016-06-16-19 56 15

Janja plots with Mzingo to take advantage of Kiara's temporary queenship.

After spying on Kiara and Kion, during which he learned that Simba and Nala were away, Mzingo reported back to Janja, explaining that the royal cubs were fighting in the wake of Simba's departure. Janja decided to take advantage of the family struggles and instructed Mzingo to take a special message to Kiara.

Under Janja's instructions, Mzingo landed on the peak of Pride Rock and offered a peace proposal to Kiara. Though suspicious, the cub listened as Mzingo told her that Janja wished to meet her at Broken Rock, which served as neutral ground between the Pride Lands and the Outlands. Kiara promised to think the offer over, and Mzingo flew away.

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After promising to come to Broken Rock alone, Janja double-crosses Kiara.

When Kion heard about the proposal, he desperately tried to talk his sister out of it, but Kiara pointed out that Janja had probably come to her because Kion was constantly running him off. Furious, Kion pointed out that she was not really the queen, but Kiara resolved to do things her own way. A frustrated Kion refused to take part in her plan and ran off into the savanna.

Eventually, Kiara reached Broken Rock, where Janja surrounded her with his cronies. Just in time, Kion arrived with the Lion Guard, and Janja fled. As the hyenas scurried away, Kiara admitted that Kion had been right about not being able to trust Janja.[4]

Plot to trap the Lion Guard[]

Looks like we're dining on zebra today, and you can't do nothing to stop me!
―Janja to the Lion Guard[src]
2016-06-30-18 52 52

Janja and his clan plot to invade the Pride Lands.

Janja started a wildebeest stampede with his minions, Cheezi and Chungu. The hyenas attempted to use the rising dust from the stampede to mask their movements, but Ono spotted them from the air and warned the Lion Guard of their location. The hyenas were driven off.

Later, they overheard the vultures talking and realized that Ono had lost his sight. Per Janja's instructions, Cheezi and Chungu helped trap the Lion Guard in a ravine. With the team trapped, they attempted to pick off a herd of zebras, but Ono once again came to the rescue, and Kion busted his team free using the Roar of the Elders. Once more at a loss, the hyenas fled into the Outlands.[5]

Hunting Dogo[]

Okay, Kion. You want the jackal? He's all yours.
―Janja tricks Kion into taking Dogo[src]

On the day of the annual Kupatana celebration, a jackal pup named Dogo entered the den of Janja's clan without permission, and the hyenas began to chase him through the Outlands. Eventually, the clan cornered the pup, and Janja told Dogo that he and his clan would make an example out of him. Just then, Kion appeared and tackled Janja to the ground. Confused, Janja asked what Kion was doing in the Outlands, to which Kion and Bunga replied that they were saving Dogo in the spirit of Kupatana. To the Lion Guard's surprise, Janja allowed them to save Dogo and told his clan that the Lion Guard was doing them a favor. As the hyenas departed, Janja wished the Lion Guard a merry Kupatana.[6]

Bunga's trespassing[]

I don't think you get it. We're gonna eat you!
―Janja to Bunga[src]

When Bunga discovered that he was immune to snake bites, he attempted to climb to the top of the volcano. Janja was alerted to Bunga's presence by Cheezi who was being groomed by Chungu. Using a piece of broken rock, Bunga and Fuli float downstream in lava whilst being pursued by the hyenas.

Luckily, Kion, Beshte and Ono show up and stop the hyenas, leaving Janja, Cheezi and Chungu trapped on a burning log with no food. [7]

Attack on Mtoto[]

Hey, little buddy! Looking for help? It's no use. Nobody's coming. Just you and us.
―Janja attacks Mtoto[src]

Janja, Cheezi, and Chungu chase Mtoto.

Along with Cheezi and Chungu, Janja snuck into the Pride Lands, where he encountered a group of young animals playing "Lion Guard." The hyenas immediately began to follow them. When the hyenas caught up to Mtoto and his friends, the young animals fled in panic. After a brief skirmish, the hyenas targeted Mtoto as the slowest. Meanwhile, the young animals rushed up to Beshte and begged him to save Mtoto.

Just in time, Beshte showed up to save Mtoto from the hyenas, and the two escaped into a river. Together, Beshte and Mtoto managed to avoid the hyenas, who skulked on the edges of the water, trying to catch a bite of them as they passed. Eventually, the rest of the Lion Guard appeared and dispatched of the hyenas, who were knocked into the river, where they were chased in circles by a crocodile float.[8]

Capturing Tamaa[]

Say goodbye, 'cuz if I'm not eatin' impala today, I'm eatin' drongo.
―Janja threatens Tamaa[src]

A drongo named Tamaa mimicked Janja's voice in order to scare smaller animals away from their food. Several animals mistook Tamaa for a real predator and implored the Lion Guard to put a stop to the danger. However, when Kion and his team investigated, Janja was nowhere to be seen.


Janja plots to use Tamaa's voice.

Eventually, they followed Janja's voice to where Tamaa sat perched in a bush, and he admitted to mimicking predators in order to scare off small animals. Several times, he accidentally used Janja's voice.

Not long after this, the real Janja showed up, flanked by Cheezi and Chungu. Together, the three hyenas attempted to take down a herd of impalas, but the Lion Guard chased them away from the herd. After leaving the impalas behind, Janja happened to overhear Tamaa and cornered him in a bush. Tamaa begged the hyenas not to eat him, and Janja assured him that he had other plans for the drongo. Sure enough, Janja forced Tamaa to imitate Kion's voice and send a herd of impalas into the Outlands. The plan worked, and the hyenas held Tamaa captive as they followed the herd into the Outlands.


Janja surveys a herd of impalas.

Back in the Pride Lands, the Lion Guard happened across a zebra who was fervently trying to escape danger. Upon being questioned, the zebra revealed that he and the impalas had heard Kion instructing them to go to the Outlands for safety. Suspicious, Kion surmised that Janja was forcing Tamaa to herd impalas into the Outlands for his own satisfaction, and the Lion Guard rushed to put a stop to the danger.

Meanwhile, Tamaa was forced to watch as Janja crept up on the herd of impalas, who had been successfully herded into the Outlands. With Janja distracted, Tamaa managed to imitate his voice and trick Cheezi into letting him go. Once free, Tamaa imitated the other Lion Guard members and scared Janja and his cronies into a huddle. However, Janja realized that Cheezi had let the drongo go and cornered Tamaa in the ravine. Just in time, the real Lion Guard arrived and chased the hyenas away from Tamaa and the herd of impalas.[9]

Attack on Thurston's herd[]

Once Ono leaves, we can spook 'em. And then those stripey treats will be ours for the takin'.
―Janja plans to attack Thurston herd[src]

Janja plots to attack Thurston's herd.

As Ono escorted a zebra herd home, they were watched from a nearby ridge by Janja and his cronies, Cheezi and Chungu. The three hyenas resolved to eat the zebra herd. Once the herd was back in their grazing grounds, the hyenas attacked, and Ono rushed off to fetch the rest of his team.

Once there, Kion instructed his friends to take on Cheezi and Chungu, while he handled Janja. As Janja chased a zebra around a large rock, Kion decided to climb an overhanging tree branch in order to ambush him, but Bunga raced after him, tackling him to the ground. Together, the two fell on top of Janja, who raced off to the Outlands.[10]

Attack on Muhimu's herd[]

What's the matter, zebras? Not gonna run? Don't we scare you?
―Janja teases Muhimu's herd[src]

Janja and his clan prepare to attack Muhimu.

When Kion led two herds of gazelles and zebras through the Outlands, Muhimu gave birth to a foal, whose loud bray attracted Janja's attention. Together with Cheezi and Chungu, he attempted to scatter the herd, but they stood together, protecting Muhimu and her foal. Unwilling to give up, Janja broke through the line of zebras until he was kicked in the face by Muhimu's foal, after which he backed off, racing away with Cheezi and Chungu. As he fled, Janja declared that he had never liked zebra anyway, with Cheezi and Chungu agreeing, saying that zebras were too "chewy" and "stripey."[11]

Cheezi and Chungu's banishment[]

There ain't no new plan! You're not in the crew anymore! Get out of the Outlands!
―Janja banishes Cheezi and Chungu from his clan[src]

As the Lion Guard patrolled the Pride Lands, Janja watched from afar, waiting for them to leave so that he could attack a herd of wildebeests with his clan. Once the Lion Guard was gone, Janja attempted an attack but ended up slipping on mud and landing straight in the Lion Guard's paws. Though Janja tried to cover up his plot, Cheezi and Chungu revealed that they had been planning to attack the wildebeests, and Kion banished the clan with the Roar of the Elders.

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Janja's failed ambush lands him in trouble with the Lion Guard.

Once back home in the Outlands, Janja blamed all his failed plans on Cheezi and Chungu. In a fury, he fired them and hired Nne and Tano in their place. He then ordered his new recruits to drive Cheezi and Chungu out of the Outlands, which they did without delay.

With his new seconds-in-command listening, Janja attempted to explain that he made all the plans for the clan, but Nne and Tano interrupted, declaring that they already had a plan. Janja listened in confusion as the two explained their plot: they would bait the Lion Guard with a herd of stampeding sable antelope and then switch directions to attack a herd of oryxes. Surprised by the ingeniousness of the plan, Janja agreed.

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A furious Janja banishes Cheezi and Chungu.

The plan went underway, and the Lion Guard took the bait. Janja nearly gave the clan away until Nne and Tano pulled him into hiding. Once the Lion Guard was gone, the hyenas began to chase a herd of oryxes, but in the midst of the chase, Nne and Tano betrayed Janja by forcing him off the edge of a cliff. Janja landed safely on a ledge but found himself trapped against the side of the cliff.

As Nne and Tano ran off without him, Janja cried out for them, which attracted the attention of the Lion Guard and his former minions, Cheezi and Chungu. The Lion Guard questioned Janja on Nne and Tano's plan, and Janja explained what they had been intending to do. While the Lion Guard raced off in pursuit of Nne and Tano, Cheezi and Chungu leaped down the cliff to give Janja company.

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Janja plots with his new minions, Nne and Tano.

Meanwhile, the Lion Guard defeated Nne and Tano, with Kion using the Roar of the Elders to keep them from harming the oryxes. From his place on the cliff, Janja commented that this was the first time he had ever liked hearing the sound of Kion's Roar. No sooner had he spoken when the Roar caused the ledge to break, taking Janja and his minions with it.

The three landed safely on the ground, and Janja set off toward the Outlands. Cheezi and Chungu stared after him wistfully until he demanded to know if they were coming with him or not. Delighted, the two tore after him, and the three returned to the Outlands, once more a united crew.[12]

Attack on Nala[]

Relax. She ain't so tough. Out here all alone...outnumbered.
―Janja, as his clan surrounds Nala[src]
2016-11-21-23 36 58

Janja challenges Nala.

When Janja and his clan tried to catch a gazelle in the Pride Lands, the Lion Guard drove them back into the Outlands. However, once the Lion Guard departed, Janja led his clan back into the kingdom, and the Lion Guard rushed to stop them. Before the team could reach the hyenas, the clan ran into Kion's mother, Nala, who ordered Janja to return to his territory.

Instead of heeding Nala's warning, Janja surrounded her with his cronies and ordered an attack, as they had her outnumbered. Just then, Kion arrived and, seeing his mother in danger, used the Roar of the Elders in a rage. The Roar was so powerful that it blasted the hyenas back into the Outlands.[13]

Skirmish with Ono[]

How're you going to stop me, Kion? I'm between you and the klipspringers.
2017-03-02-01 32 19

Janja corners a herd of klipspringers.

While out flying with his idol Hadithi, Ono spotted a group of klipspringers being trapped on the edge of a cliff by Janja and his minions, Cheezi and Chungu. He suggested that they use the Hadithi Spin to thwart the hyenas, but Hadithi argued that Ono was not ready for such a feat. He then took off for the ceremony, leaving Ono behind to deal with the crisis.

On his own, Ono attempted to stop the hyenas by using the Hadithi Spin but fell and got his wing trapped beneath a boulder. Cheezi and Chungu hungrily climbed up the cliffs to reach him, while Janja rounded up the trapped klipspringers.

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Janja lands in a river.

However, before the hyenas could hurt Ono, Hadithi returned with the Lion Guard, and Fuli fended off Cheezi and Chungu. Meanwhile, Bunga and Kion confronted Janja, while Beshte pushed a boulder down for the klipspringers to use as an escape. As Fuli guided the klipspringers to safety, one slipped and fell, which prompted Janja and his minions to spring an attack. Just in time, Ono and Hadithi flew past and began to circle the hyenas, making them dizzy. Eventually, the hyenas toppled off the cliffs and landed in the water below.[14]

Attack on the Traveling Baboon Show[]

Well, well! Uninvited guests! I just got two questions. What are you doin' here? And which one of you am I gonna eat first?
―Janja to Mwevi and Mwizi[src]
2017-08-02-04 40 56

Janja and his clan corner the Traveling Baboon Show.

After the Traveling Baboon Show was caught stealing food, they were driven into the Outlands by the Lion Guard. Once in the Outlands, the baboons split up. Uroho began to entertain a meager group of Outlanders, while Mwevi and Mwizi attempted to steal food from a volcano. Mwevi and Mwizi were cut short by Janja, who began to chase them in the hopes of scoring a meal. Janja pursued the pair outside, where he found Cheezi and Chungu being entertained by Uroho. Janja ordered his minions to give chase, and together, the three hyenas rushed after the fleeing baboon troop.

At first, the baboons proved too agile for the hyenas to catch, as they leaped nimbly over their heads and dodged their attacks. But when Uroho led Mwevi and Mwizi into a blocked cave, Janja and his clan sealed them inside. Before the hyenas could attack, the Lion Guard arrived and attacked the hyenas. A defeated Janja retreated with his clan and warned the baboons never to enter his den again.[15]

Scar's resurrection[]

We'll keep comin' back, Kion! Again and again. Maybe next time, we'll actually get rid of Kiara. Or Bunga. Or maybe even your Mom or Dad. Right there on Pride Rock!
2017-08-04-01 02 02

Janja leads his clan in an attack on Ma Tembo's herd.

In the Pride Lands, the dry season started, and the Lion Guard was busier than ever. During their patrol, Ono informed his friends that Janja's clan was attacking Ma Tembo's herd. The Lion Guard arrived at the scene and found Janja's clan attacking the elephants. The Lion Guard was shocked that the hyenas would hunt elephants because of how dangerous it was. The team drove Janja and his clan away, and Ma Tembo explained that the hyenas had been desperate because of the dry season.

Later, Janja and his clan attacked the baboons who had started following Ma Tembo's herd. The Lion Guard arrived just in time and directed the elephants to go into a rocky gorge. Kion then blasted the hyenas away with the Roar of the Elders.

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Janja plots to summon Scar's spirit.

Janja and his crew returned to the Outlands. Suddenly, they saw Ushari and decided to eat him. Ushari asked Janja if he would like something meatier. Janja told him that he would but could not because the Lion Guard kept driving his clan off. Ushari then revealed that that was because Kion was getting advice from his grandfather Mufasa's spirit. He added that if the hyenas wanted to stop the Lion Guard, they should find a way to talk to one of the Great Lions of the Past. Janja retorted that no Great Lion would help the hyenas, but Ushari reminded him that there was one Great Lion who had always helped hyenas: Scar. He also reminded Janja that if Kion could talk to Mufasa, there must be a way for them to talk to Scar.

Ushari took the hyenas into the Pride Lands, where he summoned his skink friends to spy on Rafiki and find out if there was a way to talk to Scar. Janja and his crew waited as Ushari left with the skinks for Pride Rock. Ushari returned with the information that Evil Lions of the Past like Scar appeared in fire if they were unleashed by the Roar and the bakora staff. The hyenas and Ushari then returned to the Outlands.

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Janja provokes Kion into using the Roar of the Elders out of anger.

In the Outlands, Ushari and Janja decided to use what they had learned to summon Scar. They decided to get Makini's bakora staff, since she was too inexperienced to be a threat, and to attack one of Kion's loved ones and bring them to the volcano, since Kion's Roars were at their most powerful when he was angry.

The hyenas kidnapped Kion's sister, Kiara, and took Makini's bakora staff. While the rest of the Guard rescued her, Janja tricked Kion by getting him to use the Roar out of anger, which caused the volcano to erupt. When Janja threw Makini's staff into the volcano, Scar was successfully summoned. Janja reacted to the spirit's apparition with apprehension and fear.[16]

Army of Scar[]

Alliance with Kiburi[]

Yeah. Welcome!
―Janja to Kiburi's float[src]

Janja was present as Kiburi's float joined Scar's side. He then joined in as Scar plotted against the Pride Lands.[17]

Attack on Beshte[]

Don't call me "boss" in front of the boss.
―Janja to Cheezi and Chungu on Scar[src]
2017-09-27-00 51 40

Janja agrees to take down Beshte while he is alone in the Outlands.

In the volcano, a skink arrived and informed Janja and his allies that Beshte was alone in the Outlands. Though Janja tried to dismiss the situation, Scar appeared and ordered his cronies to eliminate Beshte. When Cheezi and Chungu wondered how they might accomplish this, Scar declared that he had a plan.

Later, Janja and his cronies watched as Beshte followed Shupavu and her skinks into a cavern. The skinks continued to lead Beshte through the cavern until they reached a dead-end. From above, the hyenas revealed themselves, and Beshte desperately tried to warn the skinks away from danger. Just then, the hyenas pushed a large boulder into the pit's exit, trapping Beshte, and the skinks escaped by slithering into crevices in the rock. Without his guides, Beshte was left to the mercy of the hyenas, who continued to push rocks into the pit in the hopes of crushing their quarry.

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Janja and his minions, Cheezi and Chungu, push boulders into Rocky Plateau in an attempt to crush Beshte.

Meanwhile, Ono guided the Lion Guard to Rocky Plateau, and Fuli raced ahead to stop the hyenas from dropping a massive boulder on Beshte. As she teetered carefully atop the boulder, keeping it from falling into the pit, the other Lion Guard members rushed in and engaged the hyenas in a fight. Down below, Beshte started to clear a path through the fallen rocks.

Eventually, Kion used the Roar of the Elders to clear the hyenas, and Beshte made his way to safety. Having failed to eliminate Beshte, Janja decided not to report back to Scar, but Ushari arrived promptly and told the hyenas that an unhappy Scar wished to speak with them.[18]

Assassination attempt on Jasiri[]

Oh, this ain't about turf, Jasiri. I told ya this wasn't over.
―Janja as he attempts to kill Jasiri[src]

In the Outlands, Janja and his minions, Cheezi and Chungu, searched for the jackals in an attempt to forge an alliance with them. In the midst of their search, Jasiri appeared and marked the territory as her own, effectively stealing it from Janja due to his failure to re-mark his territory for the dry season. In a rage, Janja attacked her, only to be defeated and cast out of his own land.

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Janja laments Jasiri's respect for the Circle of Life.

Later, Janja reported back to Ushari on his failure to recruit the jackals. He blamed Jasiri for the failure, which piqued Scar's interest and caused him to suggest that they add her to their collective. Janja protested vehemently and lamented Jasiri's respect for the Circle of Life as well as her friendship with the Lion Guard. Hearing this, Scar ordered his minions to drive Jasiri from their territory so that she was no longer a threat.

In the meantime, Jasiri played with two hyena pups, Tunu and Wema. Janja watched from afar and ordered his clan to attack the trio. The clan launched their attack, and Jasiri desperately attempted to protect the pups from harm. In the midst of the fight, Janja forced the three into an open steam vent, where lava was steadily rising to the surface. As the clan gathered around, preventing any attempt at escape, Jasiri's sister Madoa resolved to get Kion's help.

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Janja and his clan trap Jasiri, Tunu, and Wema in a rising steam vent.

Soon, the Lion Guard arrived and engaged in a fight with the hyenas, and Janja and his clan were effectively steered away from the edge of the steam vent. With the hyenas out of the way, Kion ordered Beshte to push a large rock into the lava flow, which allowed Jasiri and the pups to clamber to safety.

By then, all of the hyenas had fled save Janja, who declared that he could still win so long as Jasiri was out of the fight. Just then, Jasiri emerged from the steam vent and challenged Janja to take on both herself and the Lion Guard. Reluctantly, Janja gave up the fight, yelling at Jasiri that matters were not over between them.[19]

Alliance with Kenge[]

Remember, this time, we gotta take all the melons. Then the elephants won't have nothin' to drink when their watering holes go dry.
―Janja as his clan steals tikiti melons[src]
2017-12-02-05 49 42

Janja and his minions, Cheezi and Chungu, attempt to steal tikiti melons from the elephants.

The Lion Guard caught Janja and his minions, Cheezi and Chungu, attempting to steal a supply of tikiti melons from the elephants, who needed the fruits' moisture to survive the dry season. They managed to fend off the hyenas and save most of the melons, but Kion decided to keep his team watching the melon patch to ensure that no more fruits were stolen.

The hyenas returned to their den, where they explained the situation to Scar and Ushari. After hearing Janja's story, Scar deduced that destroying the melon supply could offset the Circle of Life, as it would dehydrate the elephants. He then ordered the hyenas to return to the fruit patch. Janja protested the idea as foolishness, since the Lion Guard was waiting for them there, but Ushari volunteered to connect them with a powerful friend of his who could help them.

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Janja agrees to direct his clan under Kenge's orders.

Once back in the Pride Lands, the hyenas met Kenge for the first time. They were thoroughly intimidated by his massive size and strength, and asked him if he would help them find the Lion Guard. Kenge merely declared that he was going to wait until they found him.

Later, at the melon patch, Kenge quickly assumed authority over the hyenas, ordering them to roll the melons out of the patch. Just in time, Bunga and Ono arrived, with Bunga taking on Kenge while Ono stopped the hyenas from stealing the melons. However, he and Ono were both bitten, which allowed Kenge and his hyena allies to escape with the melons.

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Kenge accidentally bites and paralyzes Janja in his attempts to catch Bunga.

Later, Bunga and Makini followed Kenge and the hyenas to Embamba Canyon, where Bunga distracted the thieves while Makini stole their melons and hid them behind rocks. While ridiculing his enemies, Bunga stumbled upon Kenge's trigger word, "little." In his attempts to catch Bunga, Kenge accidentally bit Cheezi and Chungu, paralyzing them. He nearly bit Janja when a melon was thrown his way, and he turned his attention to Makini.

Just then, a fully healed Lion Guard approached. The hyenas attempted to run but were hindered by their paralyzed legs. Taking advantage of this, Kion used the Roar of the Elders to blast Kenge and the hyenas back into the Outlands, where the melons were out of their reach.[20]

Kidnapping Zazu[]

We went to all that trouble just to listen to that annoying, little bird?
―Janja on Zazu[src]
2018-01-12-04 18 14

Janja and his cronies, Cheezi and Chungu, kidnap Zazu.

In the Pride Lands, Janja and his cronies, Cheezi and Chungu, lay in wait for Zazu, as they had been commanded to do so by Scar. As Zazu swept by, continuing to monitor the kingdom for his morning report, the hyenas jumped out of hiding and abducted him, after which they bore him straight to the Outlands.

In the Outlands, Cheezi and Chungu monitored Zazu, who was trapped in a bone cage, while Janja sought an audience with Scar. Janja questioned his master as to what they should do with Zazu, and Scar ordered them to interrogate Zazu. Though Janja believed questioning to be a waste of time, Scar reminded him that as royal adviser, Zazu was privy to all of Simba's secrets and thus held the key to taking over the Pride Lands. With this new understanding, Janja left to carry out Scar's orders.

2018-01-12-04 26 44

Janja interrogates Zazu for information about Simba.

At the same time, Zazu tried to trick Cheezi and Chungu into letting him go, but Janja arrived in time to stop them. He demanded that Zazu reveal the secrets of the Pride Lands to them, but Zazu refused. Janja then backed the bone cage up to the edge of a vent, where steam burned the tips of Zazu's feathers, and Zazu fearfully gave in to their request. He then provided shallow, unhelpful information about Simba to the hyenas.

The Lion Guard happened to overhear Zazu's singing and rushed to the rescue. They arrived just in time to stop the hyenas from eating Zazu and began to engage the clan in a fight. The Lion Guard triumphed, and Janja and his cronies retreated.[21]

Attack on Rafiki[]

Ya hear that, Reirei? Scar's lettin' me take care of Rafiki! 'Cause us hyenas is smarter!
2018-01-20-05 11 35

Janja leads his clan in an attack on Twiga and Juhudi.

When Janja and his clan began to hunt Twiga and Juhudi, the Lion Guard rushed to their defense. In the midst of the chase, Ono spotted Reirei and her jackals attacking a group of pangolins on the other side of the Pride Lands, and Kion was forced to split up his team.

As Beshte and Kion continued racing after the hyenas, Janja ordered his lackeys to stop them. With four hyenas on the attack, Beshte and Kion quickly became overrun, and Beshte suggested to Kion that he use the Roar of the Elders to stop the attack. Kion refused, and the two were forced to continue fighting outnumbered.

Up ahead, Twiga lashed out at Janja, kicking him away from her. Janja then called a surrender, and the hyenas beat a hasty retreat. Beshte and Kion followed after the hyenas to make sure that they had left the Pride Lands.

2018-01-20-05 19 16

Janja and Reirei report back to Scar.

In the Outlands, the hyenas and jackals came before Scar, who ordered them to attack Rafiki, the knowledge-keeper of the Pride Lands, who could sense the presence of the Great Lions of the Past. Janja and Reirei proceeded to argue over which faction should take on Rafiki, but Scar ended the fight by selecting Janja to eliminate Rafiki while Reirei created a diversion elsewhere.

After the meeting, Janja gloated to Reirei about Scar's decision to send the hyenas instead of the jackals. Reirei rose to the bait, proclaiming that jackals were the smartest species, and the two began to argue over which faction was more intelligent.

2018-01-20-05 25 50

Janja and his clan surround Rafiki.

Back in the Pride Lands, Ono spotted the jackals chasing down a herd of gazelles, and Kion ordered his team to pursue them. In the meantime, Ono watched for hyenas from above. Shortly into the chase, Ono caught sight of the hyenas stalking Rafiki, and Kion resolved to defend Rafiki from the hyenas.

Meanwhile, the hyenas closed in on a meditating Rafiki. As they stalked closer, a fire caught nearby, which worried Cheezi, but Janja informed him that it was all part of Scar's plan. Just then, Rafiki noticed the encroaching hyenas and moved in for an attack, defeating them with unexpectedly efficient martial prowess. In the midst of the fight, Janja spotted the Lion Guard closing in and realized that their plan was falling apart.

2018-01-20-05 27 59

Scar prevents Janja from abandoning the fight.

The Lion Guard joined forces with Rafiki and defeated the entirety of Janja's clan. With defeat eminent, Janja attempted to flee into the fire, but Scar rose up from the flames, demanding that Janja face his enemies instead of run like a coward. Janja protested that they were outnumbered, but Scar pointed out to him that the jackals were closing in to help finish off the Lion Guard.

A fight instigated, during which the Lion Guard and Rafiki beat back the hyenas and jackals. In the midst of the battle, Tamaa managed to save Kion by imitating Beshte's voice and distracting Janja, which gave Kion the opportunity to take down Janja. The hyenas and jackals retreated.[22]

Defeat in the volcano[]

Uh, Scar? Just one question. How do you... We plan on takin' down Simba and the Lion Guard in the same day?
2018-04-11-02 37 49

Janja jumps onto Kiburi's back to avoid being stung by Sumu.

Scar plotted with his army in the Outlands to defeat both Simba and the Lion Guard. He explained to his followers that he would be using Sumu the scorpion to take down Simba. At Pride Rock, the Pride Landers gathered for the Kumbuka celebration. However, in the midst of the festivities, Sumu stung Simba's tail, then retreated as Simba collapsed to the ground.

Back in the Outlands, Scar received word of Sumu's success and directed his army to intercept the Lion Guard on their way to fetch the antidote from the volcano. The plan worked, with Janja, Kiburi, Reirei, and their respective clans slowing down the Lion Guard's progress through the Outlands. At last, the Lion Guard reached the inner volcano, where Makini placed a pinch of the cure, volcano ash, in her gourd.

2018-04-11-02 45 13

Janja attempts to prevent Kion from reaching the volcano.

As the team turned to leave, Scar called his army forward, and they cornered the Lion Guard at the edge of the lava. With no option left, Kion used the Roar of the Elders to carefully blow away Scar's army, and the Lion Guard made a quick escape.

Scar sent Mzingo and his parliament after the Lion Guard, and the vultures nearly wrestled the gourd from Makini. However, the rest of the team arrived in time to fend off the vultures, and Kion used his Roar to ensure that they were not delayed again. At the same moment, Scar overlooked his defeated army and commented that the war had only just begun.[23]

Holding Kilio Valley[]

Face it, Ma Tembo. Between us and the fires, you got nowhere to go.
2018-05-01-22 11 06

Janja advances on Mtoto.

In Kilio Valley, the Lion Guard struggled to put out a widespread brush fire. The Lion Guard spread out, accepting help from several of Ma Tembo's herd members, while Ma Tembo led the rest of the herd out of the valley. However, she was cornered among the flames by Janja, Kiburi, Reirei, and their respective followers.

Ono overheard Janja's cackling and reported what he had heard to Kion, who suspected Scar of causing the trouble. He then ordered his team to protect the elephants, and the Lion Guard left Kilio Valley to the mercy of the fire.

2018-05-01-22 20 16

Janja attempts to take control of Kilio Valley.

Later, in Kilio Valley, the fire died down as the Army of Scar celebrated their victory. They began to bicker among themselves, arguing over who had performed the best, when Scar suddenly arose from a still-burning ember and ordered the army to remain in Kilio Valley. He then revealed that he planned to take over the Pride Lands piece by piece.

Janja attempted to appoint himself the leader of the army, but Kiburi, Mzingo, and Reirei protested vehemently. The villains then began competing over who should be in charge of the valley. They continued to argue as the Lion Guard looked on.[24]

Skirmish with Kinyonga[]

Got it. Push rocks in river and stop the water. Um, how come?
2018-05-04-00 44 13

Janja pushes rocks into the river to cut off the Pride Lands' water supply.

In the Outlands, Scar ordered Janja to block up the river at Hakuna Matata Falls in order to deplete the Pride Lands of an important water source.

Come nighttime, the hyenas attempted to block up the river, but the Lion Guard camouflaged themselves and launched a surprise attack. As the hyenas retreated, Cheezi wondered how the Lion Guard had managed to learn such a trick. Kinyonga suddenly appeared and took the credit. Her unexpected appearance startled the hyenas, who fell into the river and careened over the edge of Hakuna Matata Falls.

Once at the bottom, Janja decided to lie to Scar that he had been scared away by rocks and foliage instead of the Lion Guard.[25]

Hyena Resistance[]

We ain't the same, Jasiri!
2018-10-19-01 17 55

Janja attempts to lead his clan into the Pride Lands.

The Lion Guard defended the Pride Lands from a three-way attack by Janja's clan, Kiburi's float, and Reirei's pack. Eventually, the Lion Guard defeated the Outlanders, who retreated to the Outlands.

Some time later, Jasiri overheard Janja plotting with his clan to take over Mizimu Grove with Kiburi and Reirei's groups. She sent Madoa to warn the Lion Guard, while she and the rest of her clan intercepted Janja's clan. The plan worked, with the Lion Guard defeating Kiburi and Reirei in Mizimu Grove and Jasiri and her clan blocking Janja's access to the Pride Lands with a rockslide.

2018-10-19-01 22 33

Janja admits to Scar that he lied about Jasiri's demise.

Janja returned to the volcano and informed Scar of what had happened. A displeased Scar planned another attack, this time on Big Springs, with Kiburi leading.

After many failed attacks, Scar questioned Janja on Jasiri's status, as Janja had previously reported that Jasiri had fallen into a lava pit. Janja then confessed that the Lion Guard had come to save her. Scar ordered Janja to lay a false trail for the Lion Guard and then attack Jasiri's clan.

2018-10-19-01 29 25

Janja is saved by Jasiri from falling into a lava pit.

Across the Pride Lands, Ono scouted the Outlands and caught sight of Jasiri's clan being attacked. The Lion Guard rushed to their aid and defeated the three groups.

In the commotion, Janja was knocked into a lava pit, and Jasiri saved him. Janja was stunned at her willingness to save him, and Jasiri explained that he could join the Hyena Resistance instead of allying with Scar. After a moment of hesitation, Janja refused. However, Njano and Shupavu noted his hesitation and vowed to inform Scar.[26]

Attack on Big Springs[]

Oh, I'm not waiting around for him to "ponda" me.
―Janja on Shujaa[src]

Janja and his clan launched an attack on Big Springs but were defeated by Shujaa. Later, Janja and the rest of the Army of Scar attacked Basi's pod again but were defeated by the Lion Guard and Shujaa.[27]

Attack on Makuu's watering hole[]

Hey! We'll be real nice to ya. Right before we kick you out of your watering hole.
―Janja to Makuu[src]

Scar decided to attack Makuu's watering hole since the crocodiles' alliance with Kion was fraying. The Army of Scar, including Janja and his clan, besieged Makuu's float. Ono witnessed the battle and reported his findings to Kion. Together, the Lion Guard and their Pride Lander allies stormed the watering hole and fought off the Army of Scar.[28]

Attack on Mizimu Grove[]

They all ran away! Mizimu Grove is ours!
―Janja on the Pride Landers[src]
2019-03-31-01 32 49

Janja faces off with Kion.

Upon learning about Makini's upcoming mpando mpaya, Scar planned an attack on Mizimu Grove. As the celebration commenced, the Army of Scar watched from a distance, and Janja reminded the others of the plan. Chungu remarked that this would be a show that the Pride Landers would never forget, and Janja agreed. With Janja in the lead, the army attacked, and the Pride Landers rose up to defend themselves. During the battle, Kion took on Janja and told him that he was losing, but Janja retorted that Kion ought to think again. At Janja's words, Scar appeared in the flames and threatened to overtake the entirety of the Pride Lands. Frightened by Scar's unexpected appearance, the remaining Pride Landers fled Mizimu Grove.

With the Pride Landers in retreat, Janja told the Army of Scar that Mizimu Grove was theirs. However, Kion asserted that they were wrong, then used the Roar of the Elders to blow them out of the grove.[29]

Battle for the Pride Lands[]

You were right. Scar don't care about us hyenas.
―Janja to Jasiri, after Scar's betrayal[src]

Over the next few seasons, the Army of Scar waged war on the Pride Lands, only to get repeatedly chased off by the Lion Guard and Jasiri's clan. One day, Janja, Cheezi, and Chungu guarded the remnants of Kilio Valley. Cheezi asked why they were there, and Janja replied that they were making sure that the Lion Guard did not reclaim Kilio Valley for the elephants. Cheezi and Chungu expressed disinterest in fighting the Lion Guard anymore, and Janja started to wonder if Jasiri's perspective on the Circle of Life was right after all, since her clan seemed happy to work with the Lion Guard. For a brief moment, he debated whether he was on the wrong side. However, when Cheezi and Chungu asked him for elaboration, he brushed them aside.

2019-08-15-21 53 10

Janja, Cheezi, and Chungu guard Kilio Valley.

Later, Shupavu led Janja to the volcano, where Scar informed him that it was time for another attack on the Pride Lands. Janja reminded Scar that the Lion Guard had already defeated his clan that morning and that they needed some time to recover. Ushari countered that the Lion Guard was planning an invasion of the Outlands, and Scar mused that the Lion Guard might have learned how to destroy him. He went on that Kion would have to use his most powerful Roar inside the caldera in order to destroy him. Scar then informed Janja that he and his clan would have to distract the Lion Guard so that his plan to destroy the royal family would work. Janja asked if the hyenas just had to distract the Lion Guard, and Scar explained that they merely needed to lead the Lion Guard into their lair. Unbeknownst to Janja, Scar was secretly planning to double-cross him so that he would not join forces with Jasiri and the Pride Landers.

That night, Shupavu led Janja's clan to the Lair of the Lion Guard. Chungu marveled at the number of Pride Landers at Pride Rock, and Janja explained that Scar wanted to attack them while they were all in one place. As the hyenas talked, Shupavu hushed them and reminded them that they did not want to give their presence away. Just then, Goigoi appeared, and Janja asked what he was doing at Pride Rock. To Janja's surprise, Goigoi revealed that he was preparing to start a fire at Pride Rock. Once Goigoi had left, Shupavu led the clan to the Lair's entrance and explained that they needed to get the Lion Guard's attention and keep them distracted. Chungu asked how they would do that, and Janja replied that he knew what to do.

2019-08-15-22 15 26

Janja joins the Pride Landers.

While flying around Pride Rock, Ono noticed Janja's clan entering the Lair of the Lion Guard. Cheezi asked Janja if he was sure about what they were doing, and he asserted that it was all part of Scar's plan. Just then, the Lion Guard entered the Lair and confronted the hyenas, and Janja ordered his clan to scatter. As the Lion Guard chased the hyenas around the Lair, Janja reminded his clan that they could run anywhere but out. Before long, Janja realized that Pride Rock was on fire and ordered his clan to follow him to safety. While Janja managed to escape the Lair, the rest of his clan got trapped inside by a burning branch. Horrified, Janja realized that Scar had double-crossed them. He quickly deduced that Jasiri was the only one he could trust for help, and so he rushed off to find her at her clan's watering hole.

Upon arriving at the watering hole, Janja admitted to Jasiri that he had been thinking about what she had said and sang a few verses of "Sisi Ni Sawa". Amused, Jasiri asked him what had changed his mind, and he revealed that his clan and the Lion Guard were stuck in a fire at Pride Rock. Horrified, Jasiri scolded Janja for wasting time with singing and took off for Pride Rock. Though confused, Janja followed her.

2019-08-15-22 27 59

Janja nominates Jasiri to be in charge of the Outlands.

By the time Janja and Jasiri arrived at Pride Rock, the Lion Guard and the hyenas had already escaped the fire. Janja approached the Pride Landers and informed them that he knew how to help, and Jasiri urged him to tell the Pride Landers what he knew. At first, Janja misunderstood her and told the gathered animals about his reformation, but she corrected him and implored him to tell Simba what he knew about Scar. Finally understanding Jasiri's intent, Janja explained to Simba what Scar had told him about Kion's ability to use the Roar of the Elders inside the volcano to destroy Scar's spirit once and for all. Simba was hesitant to trust Janja, but Makuu reminded him that he had given him a chance at the Savannah Summit when no one else would, then added that if Janja's information was not useful, he and his float would eat him. Heeding Janja's advice, Simba readied an invasion force for the following morning. Jasiri told Kion that the hyenas would help the Pride Landers, and Janja confirmed that all the hyenas would help. He then told his clan that they were finally on the right side, and Jasiri, with a laugh, assured him that they were. As Jasiri walked away, Janja admitted that he could get used to hearing her laugh. Unbeknownst to Janja, Shupavu had witnessed his reformation and relayed what she had seen to Scar.

The next morning, Janja assembled with the other Pride Landers to invade the Outlands. As the Pride Landers charged into battle, Janja vowed to keep the Outlanders off the Lion Guard. The Outlanders noted Janja's reformation but remained optimistic that Scar's intelligence would win them the battle. In the midst of the fight, Cheezi and Chungu almost attacked the rhinoceroses out of habit, but Janja reminded them that they were on the same side as the Pride Landers, then urged the rhinoceroses to keep charging. Eventually, Kion defeated Scar, and the Pride Landers triumphed over the Army of Scar. In the wake of the battle, the Outlanders asked what would happen to them, and Janja remarked that he could only think of one animal who could keep the peace between the Outlanders and the Pride Landers. Kiburi asked if Janja was referring to himself, but Janja revealed that he was talking about Jasiri. Though initially surprised, Jasiri announced that, as long as the Outlanders respected the Circle of Life, the Outlands would be peaceful. Janja added that those who objected would have to answer to Jasiri's new clan, which included himself and his minions.[30]

Zira's plot[]

Hey, being a good guy is just like being a bad guy. Except you don't try eating everything you chase.

Janja and Jasiri arrive at the Tree of Life to warn the Lion Guard about Zira's attack on the Pride Lands.

After hearing that Zira and her pride were going to attack the Pride Lands, Janja and Jasiri traveled to the Tree of Life to get the Lion Guard's help. On their way to the Tree of Life, they met Azaad, who guided them to their destination. Once they arrived at the Tree of Life, Janja was tackled by Bunga, who had forgotten that Janja had reformed. Janja reminded him of his allegiance, and Bunga allowed him to get up. Janja and Jasiri then informed the Lion Guard of Zira's plan to attack the Pride Lands.

The group immediately departed for the Pride Lands. Azaad led them to a shortcut that could get them to the Pride Lands faster, but it required them to cross a canyon that was too wide to jump. Kion used his Roar to create a whirlwind that allowed them to cross the ravine safely, though Janja disliked the experience.


Janja and Jasiri work together to save nearby animals from a broken dam.

They stopped at a dry riverbed. Kion used his Roar to create a rainstorm that filled the riverbed, allowing the team to hitch a ride on a floating log. They continued their journey, passing familiar landmarks, such as the marsh, the mountain, and more. Eventually, they reached the Great Stone Wall. Kion used the Roar to break apart the rock, not knowing that the wall functioned as a dam, and accidentally opened a fissure that spurted water. Kion continued to Roar in order to hold the water back, while Janja and the others rescued nearby animals. Janja questioned why they should rescue the other animals when they should be focused on saving themselves, but Jasiri answered that he must get used to doing good.

Azaad led the team around the wall. They eventually arrived in the Outlands, where they caught a glimpse of Pride Rock in the distance. They started toward the Pride Lands, determined to save their kingdom.[31]


Janja, Cheezi, Chungu, and Bunga fight Shabaha.

As the group was walking through the Outlands, Cheezi and Chungu intercepted them and pounced happily on Janja. Chungu confessed that they had thought that they would never see Janja again, and Janja pointed out sheepishly that he had not been gone for that long. Madoa then revealed that Zira's pride had already entered the Pride Lands. Together, the Lion Guard, the hyenas, and the vultures rushed to the border of the Outlands and the Pride Lands, where they were confronted and attacked by Vitani and her self-formed Lion Guard.

Janja helped fight Shabaha and seemingly cornered her. However, Shabaha grabbed Bunga and threw him at Janja before chasing Cheezi and Chungu. Janja commented that Shabaha's fighting style reminded him of Bunga. Before Kion could use the Roar to take out Vitani and her lionesses, Kiara interfered and revealed that Kovu, Vitani, and the rest of Zira's pride had joined the Pride Landers. Kovu then revealed that Zira had died. Kiara told the Lion Guard to return to Pride Rock, where they would explain everything. Since the conflict had been settled, Janja and the rest of the Outlanders returned to their territory in peace.[32]

Kion's coronation[]

Janja later attended Kion's coronation at the Tree of Life. He sat beside Jasiri, Cheezi, and Chungu.[32]

Physical appearance[]

Janja is a muscular hyena. He has an ashen-gray pelt, a lighter underbelly, a black spiky mane, dark spots on his hide, large pointed ears, black paws, and a black tail with a gray underside.[3]

Personality and traits[]

Being a good guy ain't so bad.

Janja schemes with his minions to invade the Pride Lands.

Initially, Janja was greedy and self-absorbed, with no regard for the Circle of Life. His unabated hunger drove him to extreme measures, as he was willing to stand against Simba and the Lion Guard to get what he wanted. Janja was unforgiving to his minions and mercilessly mocked them in front of the clan, refusing to believe any of their excuses and stories.

Janja is conniving and intelligent. He often utilized his allies to attack the Lion Guard and invade the Pride Lands, and used his natural charisma to sway his minions to his side.[3] Even so, Janja is a bit of a coward, as he usually chooses to fight when the odds are in his favor and is known to flee when faced with a fair fight.[4]


After reforming, Janja expresses enthusiasm for helping other animals.

Janja is authoritative and somewhat narcissitic, as he believes that hyenas are superior to other species. He can be goaded quite easily, especially when insulted or belittled.[22] Though he tries to assume authority over most animals, he submits readily to those who are more powerful than he is, such as Scar.[23]

Janja started to have a change of heart after Jasiri saved his life. He began doubting his way of life due to being continually defeated by the Lion Guard and seeing how happy Jasiri and her clan were. Scar's betrayal fully opened Janja's eyes and prompted him to officially join Jasiri's clan.[30] Since then, Janja has completely abandoned his evil ways and shown more care for his clan members. He has displayed a newfound respect for the Circle of Life, to the point that he vowed to stop any animal in the Outlands who threatened it. Though he is still not used to performing good deeds, he is determined to prove himself and genuinely wishes to change for the better.[31]



Television series

Video games




  • Janja's name means "crafty, canny, knowing" in Swahili.[34]
  • Although Janja is written as the leader of his clan, a hyena clan is realistically led by a female.[37]


  1. Revealed in "The Lake of Reflection" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 3, Episode 16. Written by Jennifer Skelly and directed by Tom Derosier and Howy Parkins. Originally aired October 26, 2019.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Revealed in "Never Judge a Hyena by its Spots" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 1, Episode 1. Written by Kevin Hopps, John Loy, and Ford Riley, and directed by Howy Parkins. Originally aired January 15, 2016.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Revealed in Disney's The Lion Guard: Return of the Roar (2015). Written by Ford Riley and directed by Howy Parkins. Distributed by Buena Vista Home Entertainment.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Revealed in "Can't Wait to be Queen" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 1, Episode 4. Written by John Loy, Jack Monaco, and Ford Riley, and directed by Howy Parkins. Originally aired January 29, 2016.
  5. Revealed in "Eye of the Beholder" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 1, Episode 5. Written by John Loy, Jack Monaco, and Ford Riley, and directed by Howy Parkins. Originally aired February 5, 2016.
  6. Revealed in "The Kupatana Celebration" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 1, Episode 6. Written by Elise Allen, John Loy, and Ford Riley, and directed by Howy Parkins. Originally aired February 12, 2016.
  7. Revealed in "Fuli's New Family" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 1, Episode 7. Written by Elise Allen, John Loy, and Ford Riley, and directed by Howy Parkins. Originally aired February 19, 2016.
  8. Revealed in "Follow that Hippo!" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 1, Episode 9. Written by John Loy and directed by Howy Parkins. Originally aired March 18, 2016.
  9. Revealed in "The Call of the Drongo" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 1, Episode 10. Written by Elise Allen and Kevin Hopps, and directed by Howy Parkins. Originally aired March 25, 2016.
  10. Revealed in "Paintings and Predictions" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 1, Episode 11. Written by Elise Allen and Kevin Hopps, and directed by Howy Parkins. Originally aired April 1, 2016.
  11. Revealed in "The Mbali Fields Migration" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 1, Episode 12. Written by Elise Allen, John Loy, and Ford Riley, and directed by Howy Parkins. Originally aired April 22, 2016.
  12. Revealed in "Janja's New Crew" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 1, Episode 17. Written by Kevin Hopps and directed by Howy Parkins. Originally aired August 26, 2016.
  13. Revealed in "Never Roar Again" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 1, Episode 21. Written by Jack Monaco and directed by Howy Parkins. Originally aired November 18, 2016.
  14. Revealed in "Ono's Idol" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 1, Episode 24. Written by Jack Monaco and directed by Howy Parkins. Originally aired February 24, 2017.
  15. Revealed in "The Traveling Baboon Show" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 2, Episode 3. Written by John Loy and directed by Howy Parkins. Originally aired July 14, 2017.
  16. Revealed in "The Lion Guard: The Rise of Scar" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 2, Episode 5. Written by Ford Riley and directed by Howy Parkins. Originally aired July 29, 2017.
  17. Revealed in "Let Sleeping Crocs Lie" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 2, Episode 6. Written by Elise Allen and directed by Howy Parkins. Originally aired August 11, 2017.
  18. Revealed in "Swept Away" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 2, Episode 7. Written by Jack Monaco and directed by Tom Derosier and Howy Parkins. Originally aired September 15, 2017.
  19. Revealed in "Rescue in the Outlands" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 2, Episode 9. Written by Elise Allen and directed by Tom Derosier and Howy Parkins. Originally aired September 29, 2017.
  20. Revealed in "The Bite of Kenge" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 2, Episode 11. Written by Krista Tucker and directed by Howy Parkins. Originally aired November 3, 2017.
  21. 22.0 22.1 Revealed in "Divide and Conquer" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 2, Episode 16. Written by John Loy and directed by Tom Derosier and Howy Parkins. Originally aired January 11, 2018.
  22. 23.0 23.1 Revealed in "The Scorpion's Sting" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 2, Episode 17. Written by Krista Tucker and directed by Tom Derosier and Howy Parkins. Originally aired April 2, 2018.
  23. Revealed in "The Kilio Valley Fire" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 2, Episode 19. Written by Elise Allen and directed by Howy Parkins. Originally aired April 4, 2018.
  24. Revealed in "Undercover Kinyonga" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 2, Episode 20. Written by Don Gillies and directed by Howy Parkins. Originally aired April 5, 2018.
  25. Revealed in "The Hyena Resistance" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 2, Episode 23. Written by Kendall Michele Haney and directed by Tom Derosier and Howy Parkins. Originally aired September 6, 2018.
  26. Revealed in "Beshte and the Beast" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 2, Episode 25. Written by Elise Allen and directed by Tom Derosier and Howy Parkins. Originally aired November 12, 2018.
  27. Revealed in "Pride Landers Unite!" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 2, Episode 26. Written by Jack Monaco and directed by Howy Parkins. Originally aired January 21, 2019.
  28. Revealed in "The Fall of Mizimu Grove" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 2, Episode 28. Written by Kendall Michele Haney and directed by Howy Parkins. Originally aired March 25, 2019.
  29. 30.0 30.1 Revealed in "Battle for the Pride Lands" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 3, Episode 1. Written by Ford Riley and directed by Howy Parkins. Originally aired August 3, 2019.
  30. 31.0 31.1 Revealed in "Journey to the Pride Lands" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 3, Episode 18. Written by Kendall Michele Haney, John Loy, Kent Redeker, and Ford Riley, and directed by Howy Parkins and Ford Riley. Originally aired November 2, 2019.
  31. 32.0 32.1 Revealed in "Return to the Pride Lands" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 3, Episode 19. Written by Kendall Michele Haney and Ford Riley, and directed by Tom Derosier and Howy Parkins. Originally aired November 3, 2019.
  32. 33.0 33.1 Andrew Kishino. IMDb., Inc. Retrieved on September 13, 2020.
  33. Online Swahili - English Dictionary. African Languages. Retrieved on September 13, 2020.
  34. Revealed in "The Scorpion's Sting" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 2, Episode 17. Written by Krista Tucker and directed by Tom Derosier and Howy Parkins. Originally aired April 2, 2018.
  35. Revealed in "Journey to the Pride Lands" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 3, Episode 18. Written by Kendall Michele Haney, John Loy, Kent Redeker, and Ford Riley, and directed by Howy Parkins and Ford Riley. Originally aired November 2, 2019.
  36. Spotted Hyena. National Geographic. Retrieved on September 13, 2020.
  37. Revealed in "Battle for the Pride Lands" from Disney Junior's The Lion Guard. Season 3, Episode 1. Written by Ford Riley and directed by Howy Parkins. Originally aired August 3, 2019.
  38. YouTube favicon Hidden Surprises from The Lion King | The Lion Guard: Return of the Roar | Disney Channel on the Disney Channel YouTube channel