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The Lion King Wiki
Physical information




Hair color

Gray, pink, and purple

Eye color


Biographical information



Mount of the Bayou


Wise soul

Relationship information

Pumbaa, Timon

Boudreaux is a male opossum. He lives at the Mount of the Bayou, where he teaches others to be brave, wise, and true.

When Timon and Pumbaa visited the Louisiana Bayou, they resolved to visit Boudreaux so as to earn a reward of bugs for being brave, wise, and true. Along the way, they met Boudreaux and journeyed with him to the Mount of the Bayou. Once there, they were tested by the Tree of Truth, and Timon confessed that he had only been interested in receiving a reward. However, due to the duo's bravery and honesty throughout the journey, they passed the test, and Boudreaux rewarded them with bugs.


Early life[]

Boudreaux lived at the Mount of the Bayou. Due to his wisdom, he became the locals' leader. He spoke Cajun French.[1]

Testing Timon and Pumbaa[]

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Boudreaux agrees to guide Timon and Pumbaa.

When Timon and Pumbaa rode on a raft in the Louisiana Bayou, Timon attempted to catch some bugs but continuously failed. He complained to Pumbaa about being hungry, and the warthog told his friend that their problems would be solved once they visited the great Boudreaux; if they proved themselves to be brave, wise, and true, they would be rewarded with bugs.

Timon made Pumbaa move the raft to order to reach Boudreaux, but when they bumped into a tree, a nearby opossum (whom the duo did not recognize as Boudreaux) played dead. Pumbaa told Boudreaux that he and Timon would not hurt him, so the opossum stood and agreed to guide the friends to the Mount of the Bayou.

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Boudreaux struggles to free himself from the alligator.

While on their journey, an alligator attacked them. While Boudreaux struggled to free himself from the alligator, Timon and Pumbaa rescued him and escaped the predator.

Timon, Pumbaa, and Boudreaux came across two passageways, both of which would take them to the Mount of the Bayou. Pumbaa and Boudreaux took the right passage, which seemed to be dark and scary, while Timon took the left passage, which seemed to be beautiful and calm. However, the passageways turned out to be misleading, as the one Pumbaa and Boudreaux had taken immediately took them to the Mount of the Bayou without any danger, while the one Timon had taken was full of chaos.

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Boudreaux shows Timon and Pumbaa the Tree of Truth.

When Timon met Pumbaa and Boudreaux at the Mount of the Bayou, Boudreaux made Timon and Pumbaa stick their heads inside the Tree of Truth, informing that if they were true and pure, they would be all right; but if they were not, they would get their heads cut off. After Pumbaa took his turn and survived, Timon confessed that he had only wanted to visit Boudreaux for the food. When Timon stuck his head in the Tree of Truth, nothing happened, making the meerkat realize that the whole ordeal had been a ruse and that Boudreaux had only gotten a free ride across the bayou. Pumbaa realized that Boudreaux had taught them to be brave, wise, and true during their journey.

As a reward, Boudreaux offered Timon and Pumbaa the bugs inside a tree stump, which he used as a pot. When Timon ate the bugs, he realized that they were too hot and quickly got a drink of water. Timon then started speaking Cajun French, and Pumbaa complimented the meerkat for learning something from Boudreaux.[1]

Physical appearance[]

Boudreaux is a tall and skinny opossum. He has blue-gray fur, with a paler chest and muzzle. His paws and tail are pink, and his eyes are black with yellow sclerae. He wears a brimmed hat and brown pants with a green shoulder strap.[1]

Personality and traits[]

Pumbaa: Hakuna Matata, Timon! All our problems will be solved once we find the all-knowing Boudreaux.
Timon: Boo-who?
Pumbaa: Boudreaux. He's a very wise soul who lives at the Mount of the Bayou, and he's gonna teach us to be brave, wise, and true.
—Timon and Pumbaa[src]

Boudreaux is learned and wise. He is especially gifted at teaching others to be brave, wise, and true. For example, during an alligator attack, he purposely fell off a river raft in order to encourage Timon and Pumbaa to rescue him. When in danger, Boudreaux pretends to be dead so as to protect himself.[1]



  • Boudreaux speaks in Cajun French.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Revealed in "Okay Bayou?" from Disney's The Lion King's Timon & Pumbaa. Season 1, Episode 23a. Written by Karey Kirkpatrick and directed by Rob LaDuca. Originally aired December 16, 1995.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Jim Cummings. IMDb., Inc. Retrieved on September 1, 2020.