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"Do you see any other big, lovable chunk of warthog here?"
This article is about the elephant.
You may be looking for the meerkat.

Lulu (elephant)
Physical information




Skin color


Eye color


Biographical information



Pride Lands


Pride Landers

Relationship information

Pembe (mother)
Cheka (brother)


Cheka, Mayai, Mufasa, Nzuri, Pamba, Pembe, Sukari, Zazu

I love stories, but I don't want anyone to get hurt.
―Lulu doubts Cheka's plan[src]

Lulu is a female elephant.

Zazu the hornbill earned a notorious reputation for getting the Pride Landers in trouble with Mufasa. Lulu and her friends decided to play a prank on Zazu by feeding him false information and thus discrediting his reports. The plan initially worked, with Mufasa losing faith in his majordomo, but Zazu redeemed himself by warning the Pride Landers of a deadly army ant attack. Shamed by Zazu's heroism, Lulu and her friends confessed their dishonesty to Mufasa, then explained the ruse to their parents. Afterward, they helped Zazu gather information around the Pride Lands.


Early life[]

Lulu was born to Pembe. She had a brother, Cheka. The family lived in the Pride Lands.[1]

Prank on Zazu[]

Lulu: We can make Zazu believe there's an earthquake.
Nzuri: That won't work. He'd see you. Besides, when there's an earthquake, everyone feels it.
—Lulu suggests a way to trick Zazu[src]

Lulu and her family stumbled across Nzee and her daughter, Nzuri, while on their way to the water hole. Pembe noticed that Nzee was acting a bit strange and asked her what was wrong. The gazelle admitted that it was Zazu who was the problem since he was always reporting to Mufasa about the most trivial of things. Muwa and her son, Sukari, joined the conversation and solemnly agreed with Nzee about Zazu's nosiness. Cheka recounted the time that he, Lulu, Nzuri, and Sukari had been chasing the baby ostriches when Mufasa had suddenly come running up and told them to stop being mean. After the debate got heated, the adults decided to sort things out on their own. They sent the young ones to play in the water hole while they discussed possibilities.

Upon reaching the water hole, Cheka gathered the young animals together for a secret meeting. He announced that they were going to play a game called "get-Zazu." Lulu started to protest, but Cheka cut her off, reminding her that the adults did not want them to have any fun. Nzuri asked how to play the game, and Cheka explained that they were going to make up stories. Lulu commented that she loved stories but did not want anyone to get hurt by them. Nzuri assured Lulu that everything would be fine, and the other animals got excited, prompting Lulu to finally give in. After an idea about a rumored beast was presented, she suggested that they tell the other animals about it so the gossip would spread faster.


Lulu plays at the water hole with her friends.

Lulu and her friends met with the baby ostriches the next day and filled them in on the plan. Mayai, one of the young ostriches, asked if all they had to do was wander around and ask the other animals if they had heard of a strange beast wandering the Pride Lands. His sister, Pamba, asked why they should do that, and Lulu explained that she and her friends wanted everyone to start worrying. The plan went underway, and Zazu took the bait.

When the rumor began to die down, the young animals decided to try something else. Lulu suggested they make weird noises in the middle of the night, but Nzuri pointed out that that was not too different from their first idea. Cheka then suggested that they report someone missing. Lulu got excited, and Cheka proclaimed that Mayai would be reported missing. He then told the little ostrich to hide with Lulu in the forest. Mayai got on Lulu's back, and the two headed toward the forest.

Pamba notified Zazu that her brother was missing, and the gossipy hornbill flew off to tell Mufasa. After a long search, Mufasa suggested that he and Zazu search the forest. Upon reaching it, they heard a strange rustle. A moment later, Mayai and Lulu came trotting out of the forest, as if nothing were wrong. Mufasa demanded to know where they had been and told them that Zazu had heard that Mayai was missing. Lulu explained that they had not been lost; they had just been playing in the forest. Mufasa was content and expressed his relief that everyone was safe.

Later, when the young animals were coming up with another fake story to tell Zazu, Lulu suggested that they make Zazu believe there was an earthquake. She began to stomp her feet, but Nzuri laughed and reminded her that Zazu would see her and that everyone would feel an earthquake if it was happening.

Lulu and the other young animals felt guilty about all the trouble they had caused and eventually confessed to Mufasa. The king was furious but fair. He told the adults that their young ones had something to tell them, and the young animals hung their heads as Nzuri explained everything. She admitted that after Zazu had saved the Pride Lands from certain destruction, they had realized the danger of discrediting someone, especially someone who was in charge of looking after others. At first, their parents were furious and wanted to punish them severely, but Mufasa thought otherwise. He told the young animals to help Zazu gather news about the Pride Lands so that they would be able to distinguish fact from fiction.[1]


Zazu told the story of Lulu and her friends to Mufasa's grandson, Kopa.[1]

Physical appearance[]

Lulu is a pale gray elephant with small tusks and golden eyes. She is a shade lighter than her brother, Cheka.[1]

Personality and traits[]

Cheka: Listen, you guys, I've made up a game for us to play. It's called get-Zazu.
Lulu: But Mama told us-
Cheka: Give me a break, Lulu. Since when do we wait for adults to do anything? They don't want us to have any fun.
—Lulu argues with Cheka[src]

Lulu is strictly obedient to her mother. However, she does sometimes give in to peer pressure. She is also shown to be on the quiet side, as she does not speak as much as her friends. In addition, she is respectful, naïve, and much more cautious concerning disobedience than her friends and brother.[1]



  • Lulu's name means "pearl" in Swahili.[2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 McGuire, Leslie. How True, Zazu? (1994). ISBN: 0717283496.
  2. Online Swahili - English Dictionary. African Languages. Retrieved on September 1, 2020.
  3. Revealed in Super-Timon. Written by Per Hedman and pencilled by Angel Rodriguez. Published on February 14, 2006.
  4. Revealed in Hat Trick. Written by Per Hedman and pencilled by Angel Rodriguez. Published on July 11, 2006.
  5. Revealed in Who Saves Whom?. Written by Per Hedman and pencilled by Angel Rodriguez. Published on January 16, 2007.
  6. Revealed in The Swing. Written by Per Hedman and pencilled by Angel Rodriguez. Published on April 17, 2007.